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Reference FO 371/23520
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Activities of David Kung: secret British documents found in raid at Hong Kong. Traffic of goods into and out of China and Hong Kong. Information regarding European situation. Question of signature of King's regulations on outbreak of war. Chinese foreign debt service. Withdrawal of British gunboats and troops from China
Date 1939
Collection Foreign Office Files for China, 1938-1948
Countries China, United Kingdom, Hong Kong
Places Beidaihe; Beijing; Belgium; Burma; Changsha; Chongqing; France; French Concession; Fuzhou; Germany; Guangzhou; Guilin; Hankou; Henan; Hong Kong; Inner Mongolia; Italy; Japan; Jiangxi; Kailan; Kashgar; Kowloon; Kunming; London; Mongolia; Mukden; Netherlands; Ningbo; Pearl River; Pukou; Qingdao; Shaanxi; Shanghai; Shanhaikuan; Shantou; Shanxi; Shenyang; Singapore; Tianjin; Tokyo; United Kingdom; United States; Washington DC; Weihai; Wuhan; Xiamen; Xinjiang; Yangtze River; Yantai; Yichang; Yili; Yunnan; Zhejiang; Zhenjiang
People Chiang Kai-shek; Clive, Sir Robert; Kung, H. H.; Owen, David; Song Ziwen (Soong Tse-ven, or T. V. Soong); Tenzin Gyatso; Wang Jingwei
Topics agriculture; Anglo-Japanese relations; Asiatic Petroleum Company; banks; bonds; Boxer Indemnity; British firms; British nationals; business; censorship; Chinese Communist Party; Chinese Maritime Customs; communications; concession; conference; consulate; currency; customs; debt; defence; deportation; education; embassy; evacuation; exports; finances; financial aid; foreign exchange; Health; housing; industry; intelligence; International Settlement; invasion; judicial system; mining; Minister of Agriculture; Minister of Finance; Minister of Foreign Affairs; Minister of Health; missionaries; murder; newspapers; occupation; oil; People's Liberation Army; piracy; police; ports; post office; press; prisoners of war; radio; railways; recognition; refugees; revolution; Royal Air Force; salt; science; Secretary of State; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; shipping; steel; sterling; stock exchange; taxation; tea; telegraphs; trade; treaties; United Nations; war; water; weapons; women
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