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Reference DO 133/107
Department/Office Dominions Office
Title Memorandum of important and useful information concerning European evacuees in India
Date 1947
Collection Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1947-1964
Region South Asia
Countries India, United Kingdom
Places Afghanistan; Assam; Balochistan; Bangalore; Burma (Myanmar); Ceylon; Chennai (Madras); China; Delhi; Diu; India; Iran; Kabul; Karachi; Kolkata (Calcutta); Lahore; London; Mumbai (Bombay); Uttar Pradesh (United Provinces); Yangon (Rangoon)
People Bevin, Ernest; Churchill, Sir Winston
Topics army; banking; British Government; British nationals; business; commodities; customs; disease; education; evacuation; food; invasion; Judaism; language; migration; military; mining; peasantry; princely states; propaganda; railway; refugees; repatriation; roads; Royal Air Force; steel; trade; transport; United Nations; viceroy; war; women
Copyright Crown Copyright documents © are reproduced by permission of The National Archives London, UK
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