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Reference DO 134/32
Department/Office Dominions Office
Title Correspondence between Rawalpindi/Lahore/Karachi/Dacca on Pakistan general politics, 1966-67 (Folder 2)
Date 1966-1967
Collection Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1965-1971
Region South Asia
Countries Pakistan, United Kingdom
Places Afghanistan; Balochistan; Beijing; Bengal; China; Chittagong; Delhi; Dhaka (Dacca); East Bengal; East Pakistan; Faisalabad (Lyallpur); Hyderabad; India; Iran; Islamabad; Karachi; Kashmir; Lahore; London; New York; Pakistan; Peshawar; Punjab; Rajasthan; Rawalpindi; Sindh; Uttar Pradesh (United Provinces); Vietnam; West Pakistan
People Abdul Qayyum Khan; Ali, Chaudhry Muhammad; Ayub Khan, Muhammad; Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali; Jinnah, Mohammad Ali; Khan, Yahya; Mao Zedong; Rahman, Sheikh Mujibur; Suhrawardy, Huseyn Shaheed; Zhou Enlai
Topics (Bangladesh) Awami League; agriculture; air force; army; banking; battle; business; cemeteries, monuments and statues; Central Treaty Organisation (CENTO) (or Baghdad Pact); Christianity; church; commodities; communications; communism; coup d'état; democracy; disease; education; elections; electricity; execution; exile; exports; five-year plan; food; foreign policy; governor-general; Hinduism; independence; Indian National Congress; industrial development; international border; investment; Islam; judicial system; labour; land reform; language; loans; military; Muslim League; nationalism; navy; oil; partition; peasantry; political agent; political parties; propaganda; railway; Raj; refugees; revolution; riots and disturbances; roads; Royal Air Force; secessionism; Shia Muslim; socialism; South-East Asian Treaty Organisation (SEATO); state of emergency; steel; trade; transport; war; zamindars
Copyright Crown Copyright documents © are reproduced by permission of The National Archives London, UK
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