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Reference DO 201/26
Department/Office Dominions Office
Title High Commission Territories: Affairs of Basutoland, the Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland; correspondence and papers, 1944-1950
Date 1950
Collection Confidential Print: Africa
Region Africa
Countries Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland
Places Alexandria; Angola; Berlin; Bloemfontein; Botswana (Bechuanaland); Bulawayo; Cape of Good Hope (colony/province); Cape Town; Durban; France; Germany; Griqualand; Johannesburg; Kalahari Desert; Karoo; Kenya; Lesotho (Basutoland); London; Mafikeng (Mafeking); Malawi (Nyasaland); Maputo (Lourenco Marques); Mashonaland; Matabeleland; Mozambique; Namibia; Natal; Orange Free State; Paris; Port Said; Portugal; Rhodesia; South Africa; Sudan; Swaziland; Tanzania (Tanganyika); Transvaal (South African Republic); Uganda; United Kingdom; United States; Witwatersrand; Zambezi River; Zambia (Northern Rhodesia); Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia); Zululand
People Arden-Clarke, Sir Charles; Attlee, Clement, 1st Earl Attlee; Gordon Walker, Patrick, Baron Gordon-Walker; Noel-Baker, Philip, Baron Noel-Baker; Ormsby-Gore, William, 4th Baron Harlech; Smuts, Jan
Topics (British) Commonwealth; administration; agriculture; air force; aircraft; alcohol; army; Asians; banking; battle; boundary; British Empire; British Government; business; Catholicism; chiefs; Christianity; church; communications; concessions; constitution; copper; currency; customs; diplomatic representation; disease; dominion; drought; education; elections; empire; execution; exile; exploration; exports; famine; food; forced labour; forts; gold; grazing; High Commission Territories; hookworm; hospitals; immigration; independence; industry; invasion; investment; judicial system; kings; labour; landlords; language; League of Nations mandate; loans; medicine; migration; military; mining; missionaries; nationalism; navigation; oil; parliament; peasantry; plague; plantation; propaganda; protectorate; railway; republic; revolution; riots and disturbances; roads; schools; separatism; ship; sleeping sickness; telegraph lines; trade; transport; treaty; trek; tribes; United Nations; universities; war; weapons; women; Zionism
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