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Reference DO 35/3756
Department/Office Dominions Office
Title South Africa: United Nations General Assembly: Third Regular Session, 1948: Discussions with Mr Louw on African Matters. Meetings in Paris, September 1948: Brief for Secretary of State for Meeting with Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations and Mr Louw, South Africa, to Discuss the Future of South West Africa and the Treatment of Indians in South Africa
Date 1948
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1966
Region Africa, Europe, Asia
Countries South Africa; France; Namibia; India
Places Accra; Belgium; Brazzaville; Brussels; Dakar; Ethiopia; France; India; Liberia; London; Mexico; Nairobi; Namibia; Paris; Portugal; South Africa; Sudan; United Kingdom; United States of America; Zimbabwe
People Frame, Phillip J P; Gordon, Donald; Gordon-Walker, Patrick; Roberts, D A; Water, T E
Topics Africans; agriculture; border; Colonial Office; colony; Commonwealth; Commonwealth Relations Office; communications; court; education; finance and investment; gold; Indians; labour; legislation; metals; mining; port; trade; United Nations; water; welfare
Copyright Crown Copyright documents © are reproduced by permission of The National Archives London, UK
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