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Reference FCO 7/1455
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Visit of Minister of State (Lord Chalfont) from the United Kingdom to Latin America (including Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua), Canada and United States of America (1970)
Description Lord and Lady Chalfont visit to Nicaragua, Mexico and Costa Rica and briefs on Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico, British Honduras/Guatemala, Gibraltar, kidnapping, disarmament. Meeting with Nicaraguan President's and his desire to increase trade with the UK, talk on agriculture, irrigation and planting tobacco. The President is pleased with the British Aircraft Corporation One-Eleven in service with the local airline, Lanica. President would like to sell meat to the UK. Press coverage of Lord and Lady Chalfont's visit to Costa Rica. Summary of the transfer of power in Costa Rica to the new government. Record of a conversation between Chalfont and José María Hipólito Figueres Ferrer President of Costa Rica in which discussed were the risk of Communist China coming into the war in Indo-China, UK's defence expenditure, development in Latin America and socialised medicine, Summary of events of the Chalfont's visit to Mexico including talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Secretary-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America with talks on a possible breakdown in SALT due to the military intervention in Cambodia by the US, the Treaty of Tlatelolco and the technical objections to the Treaty raised by Argentina and Brazil and the British Honduras/Guatemala dispute. Briefs on Mexico and line of credit, Nuclear power project, Drainage system, proposed Underground Railway in Guadalajara, Hovercraft, shipbuilding, Included is a draft treaty for the recognition of the Territorial Integrity of Belize.
Date 1970
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region South America
Countries Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Gibraltar, China, Cambodia, Argentina, Brazil, Belize, Guatemala, Belize
Places Africa; Argentina; Belize; Brazil; Britain; Cambodia; Canada; Caribbean; Chile; China; Costa Rica; Cuba; Czechoslovakia; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Europe; France; Geneva; Germany; Gibraltar; Guatemala; Honduras; Ireland; Israel; Japan; Latin America; Lebanon; Mexico; Middle East; Netherlands; Nicaragua; Northern Ireland; Panama; Peru; Soviet Union; Spain; United Kingdom; United States of America; Uruguay
People Ashmore, Harry S; Brimelow, Thomas; Ferrer, José María Hipólito Figueres; Stewart, Michael
Topics Agriculture; Aid; Arms; Balance of Payments; British Embassy; Chemical and Biological Warfare; CIA (Central Intelligence Agency); Common Market; Communist; Congress; Defence; Democratic Party; Demonstrations; Department of State; Disarmament; Draft; Economy; Education; Elections; Energy; Exports; Free trade; Health; International Monetary Fund; Irish Republican Army (IRA); Japanese; Kidnapping; Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA); Law and Order; Nuclear Weapons; Oil; organisation; Organisation of American States; Payments; Poverty; Presidential candidates; Refugees; Royal Family; Shipping; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties; Taxes; The Nine; Trade; Treasury; Treaty of Tlatelolco; Unemployment; United Nations; United Nations General Assembly; Vice President; Voting age; Warsaw Pact; Welfare; withdrawal
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