United States Foreign Policy for the 1970s: A new strategy for peace. PART I: The National Security Council System. PART II: Partnership and the Nixon Doctrine: Europe, The Western Hemisphere, Asia and the Pacific, Vietnam, The Middle East, Africa, International Economic Policy, The United Nations. PART III: America's Strength: Shaping our military posture, The process of defense planning, Strategic policy, General purpose forces. PART IV: An Era of Negotiation: The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Communist China, Arms Control, Issues for the Future. Conclusion: A new definition of Peace. Also Included is the President's report as it appeared in the New York Times and notes from a meeting with Henry Kissinger by A G Hurrell, an assistant Secretary who was spending a sabbatical year at the Harvard Centre for International Affairs. In the meeting they discussed decision-making process in the White House, the SALT Talks, Western Europe, China and the Sino-Soviet controversy, Japan and Vietnam.