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Reference FCO 82/180
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Foreign policy of United States (1972)
Description US Foreign Policy for the 1970's: The emerging structure of peace, a report to the Congress by Richard Nixon President of the United States February 9, 1972 which contains the following contents: The Watershed Year-An Overview; Areas of Major Change; The Soviet Union, China, Europe and the Atlantic Alliance, Japan (including return of Okinawa), International Economic Policy; Areas of Continuing Transition, East Asia, Latin America, Africa; Areas of Turbulence and Challenge; Indochina, Middle East, South Asia; The Imperative of Security; Strategic Policy on Forces, General Purpose Forces, Security Assistance, Arms Control; The Imperative of Global Cooperation; the United nations, New Dimensions of Diplomacy; The Policy-Making Process: The NSC System; Conclusion.
Date 1972
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America
Countries China, Japan, United States, Soviet Union
Places Africa; Alaska; Argentina; Asia; Australia; Bangladesh; Brazil; Britain; Cambodia; Canada; Caribbean; Chile; China; Colombia; Cuba; Cyprus; Czechoslovakia; Denmark; Eastern Europe; Ecuador; Egypt; Europe; France; Geneva; Germany; Hanoi; Hungary; India; Indonesia; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Jordan; Korea; Laos; Latin America; Malawi; Mediterranean; Mexico; Middle East; Mideast; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Nigeria; Norway; Okinawa; Pakistan; Panama; Persian Gulf; Peru; Poland; Rhodesia; Romania; Russia; South Africa; South East Asia; South Vietnam; Southern Africa; Soviet Union; Suez Canal; Syria; Thailand; Turkey; Uganda; United Kingdom; United States of America; Venezuela; Vietnam; Western Hemisphere; Yugoslavia
People Annenberg, Walter H; Brandt, Willy; Brezhnev, Leonid; Cromer, 3rd Earl of; Douglas-Home, Sir Alec; Green, Marshall; Greenhill, Sir Denis; Ho Chi Minh; Johnson, Alexis; Kissinger, Henry; Kosygin, Alexey; Laird, Melvin R; Lodge, Henry Cabot jnr; Lynn, James; Mao Zedong; Mitchell, John; Nixon, Richard M; Peterson, Rudolph A; Phouma, Prince Souvanna; Rogers, William P; Rusk, Dean; Xuan Thuy; Zhou Enlai
Topics Agriculture; Aid; Arab; Arms; Balance of Payments; British Embassy; Burden sharing; CIA (Central Intelligence Agency); Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); Common Market; Communist; Conference on European Security (CES); Congress; Conservation; Council on International Economic Policy; Defence; Democratic Party; Department of State; Detente; Disarmament; Draft; Drugs; East-West relations; Economic policy; Economy; Education; Elections; Energy; Environment; European Economic Community; European integration; European Security; Exports; Expropriation; foreign policy; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; Great Powers; Group of Ten; Health; Hijacking; Inflation; Intelsat; International Economic Policy; International Economic Relations; International Monetary Fund; Isolationism; Japanese; Levies; Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (MBFR); Narcotics; NASA; Nixon Doctrine; North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Nuclear Weapons; Oil; Ostpolitik; Pacification; Paris Peace Talks; Payments; Pentagon; Pollution; Poverty; Price controls; Protectionism; Protectionist; Race; Refugees; Space exploration; Special Committee on Latin American Co-ordination (CECLA); State Department; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties; Strikes; Tariffs; Taxation; Terrorism; Textiles; The Nine; Trade; Trade policy; Treasury; Troop withdrawal; troops; Unemployment; United Nations; United Nations General Assembly; United Nations National Security Council; Vice President; Vietnam War; Vietnamization; Warsaw Pact; Welfare; White House; withdrawal
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