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Reference FCO 82/279
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Foreign policy of the USA: Kissinger press conferences and diplomacy (1973)
Description Includes the document "United States Foreign Policy for the 1970's Shaping A Durable Peace A Report by President Richard Nixon to the Congress." The contents include an Introduction, Building New Relationships: China, The Soviet Union, Ending Conflict: Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, Strengthening Partnership: Europe and the Atlantic Alliance, Japan, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America, Regions of Tension and Opportunity: The Middle East, South Asia, South Africa, Designing a New Economic System: International Economic Policy, Maintaining Security: Defense Policy, Arms Control, New International Challenges: The United Nations, The global Challenges of Peace, Conclusion. Comments on President Nixon's report on Foreign policy provided by Lord Cromer who comments on South Asia, in which the US want to see Pakistan consolidate its integrity as a nation, Bangladesh flourish as a non-aligned and economically valuable state and India join the US in a mutual relationship. The agenda for the future are peace and normalisation of relations between India and Pakistan, the need for a new relationship between aid donor and aid recipient. The Foreign Policy report on Energy deals with the major problem of the US ensuring for the next two decades an adequate supply of energy from secure sources at reasonable prices. The report on Japan stresses the need to continue the new political relationship and confront the serious economic problems the two countries face. President's report on Laos and Cambodia says that North Vietnam is violating the Vietnam agreement which the US will not tolerate. President's defence policy and arms control of which the most notable are the SALT II agreements. On Africa, Nixon's goals are for political stability, freedom from great power intervention and peaceful economic and social development. On Vietnam an honourable settlement was attained but much work remains to consolidate peace in Indo-China. On China, the visit of February 1972 was an historic turning point. China is now becoming fully engaged with the US and the World. Report on Europe and the Atlantic Alliance denies that the US have devoted more attention to the development of relations with he Soviet Union and China than to the US's other allies. 1973 named "the year of Europe". The report reaffirms the need for the US to maintain substantial forces in Europe. On the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe the reaffirms that in negotiating with the Soviet Government the President had sought to create on both sides vested interests in restraint and in the strengthening of peace. In reviewing the tasks ahead, the report refers to SALT, CSCE, MBFR, the Middle East where the US and the Soviet Union have a common interest in averting confrontation and the economic sphere. Kissinger's diplomacy. Nixon's Report to Congress on US Foreign Policy for the 1970s focuses first on China and the Soviet Union (pages 14-39). It then has a long section on Vietnam (pages 40-66). This includes Kissinger's negotiations with Le Duc Tho and Xuan Thuy with details of the ongoing Paris Peace talks and private diplomatic negotiations; the plan for new Presidential elections in South Vietnam and President Thieu's offer to resign ahead of these elections. Continued negotiations with Hanoi and the October 1972 plan presented by the North Vietnamese. Insistence on President Thieu's resignation dropped by North Vietnamese. Prospects for a cease fire. Kissinger's visit to Hanoi, February 10-13, 1973 and his direct conversations with Prime Minister Pham Van Dong and other North Vietnamese leaders. Peace in Vietnam remains fragile and infiltration by North Vietnamese troops in violation of the 1973 Agreement has not stopped. Laos and Cambodia are covered (pages 67-75) with reference to peace negotiations involving Prime Minister of Laos Souvanna Phouma and President Lon Nol of Cambodia. Cambodian situation remains a severe threat to the fragile peace in Vietnam. The next section of the Report (pages 76-132) focuses on strengthening partnerships in Europe and with Japan, countries in Asia and in the Pacific, and with Latin America. The Middle East, South asia and Africa are featured next (pages 133-161). The remaining sections of the Report look at International Economic policy, Defense policy, Arms Control and the United Nations.
Date 1973
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America
Countries Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Pakistan, South Africa, United States, Soviet Union
Places Africa; Alaska; Algiers; Argentina; Asia; Australia; Bangladesh; Belgium; Benelux; Brazil; Britain; Bulgaria; Cambodia; Canada; Caribbean; Chile; China; Colombia; Cuba; Cyprus; Czechoslovakia; Denmark; Eastern Europe; Egypt; Europe; France; Geneva; Germany; Greece; Guatemala; Hanoi; Honduras; Hungary; Iceland; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Jordan; Korea; Kuwait; Laos; Latin America; Lebanon; Libya; Malta; Mediterranean; Mexico; Middle East; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nigeria; Northern Ireland; Norway; Okinawa; Pakistan; Panama; Persian Gulf; Poland; Rhodesia; Romania; Russia; Saudi Arabia; South Africa; South East Asia; South Vietnam; Southern Africa; Soviet Union; Spain; Sudan; Suez Canal; Syria; Thailand; Turkey; Uganda; United Kingdom; United States of America; Venezuela; Vietnam; Western Hemisphere; Yugoslavia
People Brezhnev, Leonid; Brimelow, Thomas; Cromer, 3rd Earl of; d'Estaing, Valéry Marie René Georges Giscard; Douglas-Home, Sir Alec; Hussein bin Talal; Kakuei Tanaka; Kosygin, Alexey; Mao Zedong; Nixon, Richard M; Nol, Lon; Pham Van Dong; Phouma, Prince Souvanna; Rogers, William P; Sadat, Muhammad Anwar Al; Santamaria, Carlos Sanz de; Xuan Thuy; Zhou Enlai
Topics Agriculture; Aid; Arab; Arms; Atomic Energy Commission; Balance of Payments; British Embassy; Burden sharing; Coal; Committee of Twenty; Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); Common Market; Communist; Congress; Conservation; Council on Environmental Quality; Crime; Dairy products; Defence; Department of Commerce; Department of State; Department of the Interior; Detente; Disarmament; Draft; Drugs; East-West relations; Economic policy; Economy; EDIP (NATO Defence Programme); Education; Elections; Energy; Environment; Environmental Protection Agency; European Economic Community; European integration; European Security; Exports; Expropriation; Federal Reserve; foreign policy; Free trade; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; Great Powers; Group of Ten; Health; Hijacking; Inflation; International Economic Policy; International Monetary Fund; Irish Republican Army (IRA); Isolationism; Japanese; Kidnapping; Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV); Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (MBFR); Mutual force reductions; Narcotics; Nixon Doctrine; North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Nuclear Weapons; Office of Management and Budget; Oil; Pacification; Payments; Pollution; Poverty; Protectionism; Protectionist; Race; Refugees; State Department; State of the Union Message; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties; Strikes; Tariffs; Taxation; Taxes; Terrorism; The Nine; Trade; Trade Bill; Trade Reform Bill; Treasury; troops; Unemployment; United Nations; United Nations General Assembly; United Nations National Security Council; Vice President; Vietnam War; Vietnamization; Warsaw Pact; Welfare; White House; withdrawal; Year of Europe
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