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Reference FCO 82/337
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Research Department projects in North America (1974)
Description Report on "Functional Agencies" in North America. Letter and report on Governor Jimmy Carter. Voting Blocs in Congress: an analysis of the strength and composition of the Congressional groups which form important segments of opinion on issues of direct interest to HMG such as the stationing of US armed forces abroad/NATO, the strategic/nuclear balance, relations with the Soviet Union and China, the trade bill and protectionism. Lobbies: a survey of major US lobby groups.
Date 1974
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America
Countries China, Soviet Union, United States
Places Canada; China; Soviet Union; United States of America
People Carter, Jimmy
Topics armed forces abroad; Atomic Energy Commission; British Embassy; CIA (Central Intelligence Agency); Congress; Council of Economic Advisers; Defence; Department of State; Drugs; Economy; Energy; Environment; Federal Trade Commission; foreign policy; Inflation; North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); organisation; Protectionism; Shipping; Supreme Court; Trade; Trade Bill; Treasury; Welfare
Copyright Crown Copyright documents © are reproduced by permission of The National Archives London, UK
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