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FCO 82/411
Foreign Office
Internal political situation in USA (Watergate) (1974)
Watergate and President Nixon's financial affairs including his tax returns and a $100,000 gift/loan from the Hughes organisation. Watergate and the Judiciary Committee's subpoena as well as profiles of the 37 Judiciary Committee members. Press coverage of President Nixon's visit to Paris for President Pompidou's funeral.
The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
North America
United States
Alaska; Asia; Australia; Bahamas; Belgium; Britain; China; Denmark; Egypt; Europe; France; Geneva; Germany; India; Iran; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Jordan; Latin America; Malta; Mediterranean; Mexico; Micronesia; Middle East; Mideast; Pakistan; Russia; South Vietnam; Soviet Union; United Kingdom; United States of America; Vietnam; Western Hemisphere
Anderson, John B; Bentsen, Lloyd D; Brandt, Willy; Brezhnev, Leonid; Buckley, James; Burns, Arthur; Bush, George H W; Butz, Earl L; Casey, William J; Dean, John W III; Dent, Frederick B; Drower, Bill; Eberle, William; Ehrlichman, John D; Flaherty, Peter Francis; Flanigan, Peter; Ford, Gerald; Harlow, Bryce; Harriman, W Averell; Humphrey, Hubert; Hyslop, J T; Jackson, Henry; Johnson, Lyndon Baines; Kalmbach, Herbert; Kennedy, Edward Moore; Kennedy, Robert F; Kissinger, Henry; Long, Russell B; Malmgren, Harold; Mills, Wilbur; Nixon, Richard M; Overton, Hugh; Powell, Adam Clayton jnr; Richardson, Elliot; Russell, Mark; Shultz, George; Stein, Herbert; Udall, Morris; Wallace, George; Wilson, Harold
Agriculture; Aid; American Revolution Bicentennial; Arab; Armed services; Arms; Atomic Energy Commission; Balance of Payments; Bank of England; British Embassy; Burden sharing; CIA (Central Intelligence Agency); Civil rights; Coal; Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP); Common Market; Communist; Congress; Congressional Relations; Conservation; Council of Economic Advisers; Council on Environmental Quality; Council on International Economic Policy; Crime; Defence; Democratic Party; Department of Defense; Department of State; Department of the Interior; Desegregation; Detente; Draft; Drugs; Economic policy; Economy; Education; Elections; Energy; Environment; Environmental Protection Agency; Exports; FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation); Federal Reserve; foreign policy; Free trade; General Motors; Great Powers; Gubernatorial; Health; Hijacking; Impeachment; Inflation; International Economic Affairs; International Economic Policy; International Monetary Fund; Japanese; Kidnapping; Labour Party; Law and Order; Mid-Term elections; North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Office of Management and Budget; Oil; organisation; Pacification; Payments; Pentagon; Plumbers; Pollution; Poverty; Protectionist; Race; Recession; Republican Party; Segregation; Senatorial; Socialism; Space exploration; State Department; State of the Union Message; Strikes; Supreme Court; Tariffs; Taxation; Taxes; Terrorism; The Nine; Trade; Trade Bill; Trade Reform Bill; Trade unions; Treasury; troops; Unemployment; United Nations; United Nations National Security Council; Vice President; Vietnam War; Wages; Warsaw Pact; Watergate; Welfare; White House; wire-tapping; withdrawal; World Food Conference
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