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Reference FCO 82/71
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Discussion between Mr Richard Nixon, President of USA, and Mr Edward Heath, Prime Minister of UK, in Bermuda (1971)
Description Record of plenary meeting between the UK and US delegations lead by the Prime Minister Edward Heath and President Nixon in which they covered the problem of India/Pakistan, the Soviet treaty with India, the possibility of Chinese dominance in East Bengal, India conscious of the danger from China, the question of giving aid to India was in the interest of the US and the failure of US relations with India. Discussions on the Middle East and negotiations between Israel, Egypt and Jordan followed by discussions on the European Security conference, the proposing of the free movement of peoples and ideas, MBFR and NATO and congressional pressure for further US force reductions in Europe. The talks covered Aid and the large reduction in Aid from the US, US/EEC relations, Rhodesia, the US relationship with Japan and the emergence of China on the world scene. Record of a conversation between the Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Sir Alec Douglas-Home and William P Rogers the US Secretary of State on US support of the UK's policy in Rhodesia, Arms for South Africa, India/Pakistan, US relations with India difficult despite the size of US aid to India, India resent US advice, US/China relations, the Soviet Government's attitude towards the US. On the Middle East the Arab/Israel conflict and negotiations between President Sadat and the question of Egyptian forces crossing the Canal, the Soviet Union agreement to provide Egypt with a further flow of military equipment designed to build up her defensive capability and also to give Russian personnel in Egypt an increased defensive capability against the US Sixth Fleet. Arms from the US to Israel in order to preserve the military balance. Discussions over who should be the first choice for UN Secretary General, the Conference on European Security (CES) and Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (MBFR), Malta, the Caribbean, Narcotics, Libyan Oil, the Gulf and Iraq and Kuwait.
Date 1971
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America, Europe
Countries China, Egypt, India, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Malta, Pakistan, South Africa, Soviet Union, United States, United Kingdom
Places Africa; Asia; Australia; Bahamas; Bangladesh; Benelux; Brazil; Britain; Caribbean; Chequers; Chile; China; Egypt; Europe; Geneva; Germany; Gibraltar; Guyana; India; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Japan; Jordan; Kuwait; Latin America; Libya; Malta; Middle East; Nigeria; Northern Ireland; Pakistan; Panama; Poland; Rhodesia; Russia; Senegal; South Africa; South East Asia; Southern Africa; Soviet Union; Spain; United Kingdom; United States of America; Vietnam
People Annenberg, Walter H; Brandt, Willy; Cromer, 3rd Earl of; Douglas-Home, Sir Alec; Greenhill, Sir Denis; Heath, Edward; Hillenbrand, Martin J; Kennedy, David Matthew; Kissinger, Henry; Nixon, Richard M; Pompidou, Georges Jean Raymond; Rogers, William P; Sadat, Muhammad Anwar Al; Sonnenfeldt, Helmut; Ziegler, Ronald
Topics Aid; Arab; Arms; Balance of Payments; Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); Common Market; Communist; Concorde; Conference on European Security (CES); Congress; Defence; Department of State; Detente; Draft; East-West relations; Economic policy; EDIP (NATO Defence Programme); Elections; European Economic Community; European Security; European Summit conference; Expropriation; foreign policy; Free trade; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; Great Powers; Group of Ten; Health; Irish Republican Army (IRA); Isolationism; Japanese; Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (MBFR); Narcotics; North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Oil; organisation; Payments; Protectionist; Recession; State Department; Tariffs; Trade; Trade policy; Treasury; troops; United Nations; White House; withdrawal
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