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Reference FCO 105/330
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Africa General: Familiarisation visit by D M Day (Deputy Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs) to southern Africa, July 1980
Date 1980
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1976-1980
Region Africa
Countries United Kingdom, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia
Places Accra; Addis Ababa; Afghanistan; Algeria; Algiers; Amman; Angola; Ankara; Athens; Baghdad; Bangkok; Beijing (Peking); Beirut; Belgrade; Benin; Berne; Bloemfontein; Bogota; Bonn; Botswana; Brussels; Bucharest; Budapest; Buenos Aires; Burundi; Cairo; Canberra; Cape of Good Hope (Cape Province); Cape Town; Caracas; Chad; China; Ciskei; Colombo; Copenhagen; Cuba; Dakar; Damascus; Dar-es-Salaam; Delhi; Dublin; Egypt; Ethiopia; France; Freetown; Gabon; Gaborone; Geneva; Georgetown; Ghana; Harare (Salisbury); Havana; Havelock; Helsinki; Hong Kong; Iran; Israel; Ivory Coast; Jakarta; Johannesburg; Jordan; Kabul; Katmandu; Kenya; Khartoum; Kingston; Kinshasa; Kuala Lumpur; Kuwait; La Paz; Lagos; Lesotho; Libya; Lilongwe; Lima; Lisbon; Lome; London; Lusaka; Madrid; Malawi; Manila; Maseru; Mbabane; Mexico; Mexico City; Mongolia; Monrovia; Montevideo; Morocco; Moscow; Mozambique; Nairobi; Namibia; Netherlands; New York; Nicosia; Nigeria; Oslo; Ottawa; Pakistan; Panama; Paris; Port of Spain; Portugal; Prague; Pretoria; Quito; Rabat; Rangoon; Reykjavik; Rome; Rwanda; Santiago; Santos; Senegal; Seoul; Sharpeville; Sierra Leone; Singapore; Sofia; South Africa; Soviet Union; Soweto; Spain; Stockholm; Sudan; Swaziland; Switzerland; Tanzania; Tehran; Tel Aviv; The Hague; Tokyo; Transvaal; Tunis; Uganda; United Kingdom; United States of America; Usutu; Venice; Vienna; Vientiane; Walvis Bay; Warsaw; Washington; Wellington; Yaoundé; Yemen; Zambia; Zimbabwe
People Barder, B L; Botha, Pieter Willem; Botha, R F; Carrington, Peter, 6th Baron Carrington; Carter, Jimmy; Kitson, David; Mandela, Nelson; Oppenheimer, Harry; Smuts, Jan Christiaan; Sobhuza II; Steyn, S J Marais; Thatcher, Margaret, Baroness Thatcher; Treurnicht, Andries; Tutu, Desmond; Viljoen, F J; Waldheim, Kurt
Topics Africans; Afrikaans; agriculture; aid; animals; apartheid; arms and ammunition; arms embargo; army; arrest; Asian; aviation; border; business; children; Chinese; colony; Commonwealth; communications; communism; constitution; contract; court; crime; customs; death; defence; diamonds; diplomacy; discrimination; education; election; embassy; employment; exports; family; finance and investment; food; foreign affairs; health; House of Commons; housing; human rights; imports; independence; Indians; industry; Inkatha Freedom Party; insurance; intelligence; Jews and Judaism; labour; legislation; liberalism; metals; military; mining; National Party; nationalism; navy; neutrality; nuclear energy; oil; Organisation of African Unity (OAU); passes; pension; police; politics; port; Portuguese; postal service; press; propaganda; property; protectorate; protest; race; racial discrimination; radio; railway; Red Cross; refugee; religion; repatriation; revolution; Royal Family; sabotage; sanctions; security; Sharpeville Massacre; shipping; South-West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO); sport; strike; students; sugar; terrorism; tourism; township; trade; training; transport; treaty; trial; United Nations; uranium; violence; war; water; welfare; women; Zulu
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