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Reference FCO 37/1788
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Political situation in Baluchistan, Province of Pakistan
Date 1976
Collection Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1972-1980
Region South Asia
Countries Pakistan
Places Afghanistan; Balochistan; Bangladesh; Burma (Myanmar); Delhi; Dhaka (Dacca); East Bengal; East Pakistan; Faisalabad (Lyallpur); Gan; Hyderabad; India; Iran; Islamabad; Kabul; Karachi; Kashmir; Lahore; London; North-West Frontier Province; Pakistan; Peshawar; Punjab; Rawalpindi; Shimla (Simla); Sindh
People Auchinleck, Sir Claude; Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali; Daoud Khan, Mohammad; Gandhi, Indira; Gandhi, Mohandas (Mahatma); Jinnah, Mohammad Ali; Manekshaw, Sam; Mir Laik Ali; Yusuf, Mohammad
Topics (Bangladesh) Awami League; agriculture; air force; aircraft; army; banking; business; Christianity; communications; coup d'état; democracy; education; elections; electricity; execution; food; independence; international border; investment; Islam; judicial system; labour; land reform; military; mining; Muslim League; oil; Pakistan Peoples Party; parliament; Parsis; peasantry; political agent; railway; riots and disturbances; roads; Royal Air Force; secessionism; state of emergency; trade; United Nations; war; weapons; women
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