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Reference FCO 37/2167
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Visit of Lord Carrington, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, to India, July 1979 (Folder 1)
Date 1979
Collection Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1972-1980
Region South Asia
Countries India, United Kingdom
Places Afghanistan; Bangladesh; Beijing; Burma (Myanmar); China; Delhi; France; Hyderabad; India; Iran; Islamabad; London; Nepal; Pakistan; Paris; Shimla (Simla); Thailand; Vietnam; Washington, DC
People Carington, Peter (6th Baron Carrington); Carter, James (Jimmy); Desai, Morarji; Douglas-Home, Sir Alec, 14th Earl of Home; Gandhi, Indira; Gandhi, Mohandas (Mahatma); Rajagopalachari, C.; Shastri, Lal; Taraki, Noor Mohammad; Thatcher, Margaret
Topics agriculture; aircraft; British Government; British nationals; business; commodities; communications; customs; democracy; education; elections; exports; food; foreign policy; Hinduism; independence; Indian National Congress; Indo-Pakistani relations; international border; invasion; investment; Islam; language; migration; military; NATO; nonalignment; oil; parliament; railway; Raj; refugees; repatriation; revolution; riots and disturbances; roads; Royal Air Force; satyagraha (non-violent resistance); steel; trade; transport; United Nations; war; weapons; women
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