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Reference FCO 45/2281
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Lesotho: Relations between Lesotho and South Africa
Date 1978
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1976-1980
Region Africa
Countries Lesotho
Places Addis Ababa; Angola; Bophuthatswana; Botswana; Cape of Good Hope (Cape Province); Cape Town; Cuba; Gaborone; Harare (Salisbury); Israel; Johannesburg; Kingston; KwaZulu; Lesotho; Libya; Lilongwe; London; Lusaka; Malawi; Maseru; Mbabane; Mozambique; Namibia; Natal; New York; Orange Free State; Portugal; Pretoria; Senegal; South Africa; Swaziland; Transkei; Umtata (Mthatha); United Kingdom; United States of America; Washington
People Barder, B L; Dean, Sir Patrick; Jonathan, Chief Leabua
Topics African National Congress; Africans; aid; annexation; apartheid; arms and ammunition; arms embargo; arrest; asylum; aviation; border; British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC); business; colony; Commonwealth; communications; customs; defence; education; embassy; exports; family; finance and investment; foreign affairs; Foreign Office; health; High Commission Territory; imports; independence; intelligence; legislation; metals; military; passes; police; Portuguese; postal service; press; property; radio; refugee; religion; sanctions; security; training; transport; treaty; tribe; undesirables; United Nations; war
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