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Reference FCO 45/2299
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Mozambique: Annual review for 1977
Date 1978
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1976-1980
Region Africa
Countries Mozambique
Places Angola; Botswana; Cairo; Cape Town; China; Cuba; Denmark; Finland; Gaborone; Gambia; Germany; Korea; Lagos; Lisbon; Lome; London; Moscow; Mozambique; Namibia; New York; Nigeria; Norway; Portugal; Santos; South Africa; Sweden; Taiwan; Tanzania; Transvaal; United Kingdom; United States of America; Zambia; Zimbabwe
People Carrington, Peter, 6th Baron Carrington; Carter, Jimmy; Owen, David
Topics aid; arms and ammunition; border; Commonwealth; communications; communism; defence; education; election; embassy; emergency; exports; food; foreign affairs; health; human rights; imports; independence; industry; insurance; legislation; metals; mining; Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO); nationality; oil; Portuguese; propaganda; property; refugee; revolution; sanctions; security; trade; training; transport; treaty; trial; war
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