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Reference FCO 45/239
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title South Africa: Relations with other African countries – Part D
Date 1969
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1967-1975
Region Africa
Countries South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, United Kingdom, Kenya
Places Addis Ababa; Angola; Botswana; Canada; China; Dar-es-Salaam; Gaborone; Harare (Salisbury); Hong Kong; India; Kampala; Kenya; London; Lusaka; Malawi; Mozambique; Nairobi; Namibia; New York; Ottawa; Pretoria; South Africa; Tanzania; United States of America; Washington; Zambia
People Douglas-Home, Sir Alec, Baron Home of the Hirsel; Foot, Hugh, Baron Caradon; Kaunda, Kenneth; Khama, Sir Seretse; Le Tocq, E G; Lloyd, Selwyn; Muller, Hilgard; Nicholls, Sir John; Nyerere, Julius; Snelling, Sir Arthur; Stewart, Michael
Topics Africans; aid; apartheid; children; Chinese; Commonwealth; communications; communism; constitution; education; election; embassy; emergency; equality; independence; internal affairs; labour; legislation; metals; military; passes; politics; Portuguese; press; revolution; sanctions; security; self-government; students; United Nations; violence
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