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Reference FCO 45/711
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title South Africa: Comments by Mauritius on Her Majesty's Government policy on arms embargo to South Africa
Date 1970
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1967-1975
Region Africa
Countries South Africa, Mauritius, United Kingdom
Places Accra; Borneo; Cape Town; China; Dublin; France; Germany; Hong Kong; India; Ireland; Lima; London; Lusaka; Mozambique; Namibia; New York; Niger; Ottawa; Pakistan; Paris; Pretoria; Senegal; Singapore; South Africa; Soviet Union; Tokyo; United Kingdom; Zambia
People Douglas-Home, Sir Alec, Baron Home of the Hirsel; Joseph, Maxton; Kaunda, Kenneth; Le Tocq, E G; Shaw, J D B
Topics Africans; agriculture; aid; apartheid; arms and ammunition; arms embargo; Asian; British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC); children; Christianity; Commonwealth; communications; court; customs; defence; diamonds; education; embassy; employment; execution; family; finance and investment; food; foreign affairs; Foreign Office; human rights; independence; industry; insurance; intelligence; labour; legislation; metals; military; mining; navy; oil; police; port; press; race; radio; revolution; sanctions; security; shipping; sugar; trade; training; Treasury; UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation); United Nations; violence; war
Copyright Crown Copyright documents © are reproduced by permission of The National Archives London, UK
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