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Reference FO 371/10238
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title China: Arms traffic in China: China arms embargo, alleged sale of Italian arms in China, alleged stock of Austrian arms at Salonika, arms and munitions from Germany to China, aviation in China, smuggling of arms into China
Date 1924
Collection Foreign Offices Files for China, 1919-1929
Region East Asia
Countries China, Germany, Austria, Italy
Places Beijing; Belgium; Canada; Czechoslovakia; Dalian; Denmark; France; Germany; Guangzhou; Hangzhou; Hong Kong; Huangpu; India; Italy; Japan; Kowloon; London; Malaya; Manchuria; Mukden; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Shanghai; Shanhaikuan; Shenyang; Singapore; Soviet Union; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sweden; Thailand; Tianjin; Tokyo; United Kingdom; United States; Washington DC; Yili; Zhenjiang
People Balfour, Arthur, 1st Earl of Balfour; Chang Tso-lin (Zhang Zuolin); MacDonald, Ramsay; Macleay, Sir James; Sun Yat-sen
Topics aircraft; banks; bombing; brigandage; British firms; British nationals; British-American Tobacco; business; chamber of commerce; civil war; coal; communications; concession; conference; confiscation; consulate; customs; drugs; embargo; embassy; exports; extraterritoriality; finances; financial aid; intelligence; judicial system; League of Nations; mining; Minister of Foreign Affairs; newspapers; oil; opium; People's Liberation Army; police; ports; press; production; radio; revolution; riots; Royal Air Force; Secretary of State; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; shipping; smuggling; steel; sterling; strikes; taxation; tea; telegraphs; tobacco; trade; trademarks; treaties; United Nations; Vickers-Armstrongs; war; water; weapons
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