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Reference FO 371/127452
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Internal political situation in Formosa (Taiwan)
Date 1957
Collection Foreign Office Files for China, 1957-1966
Region East Asia
Countries Taiwan
Places Australia; Beijing; Burma; Chongqing; East Asia; Fuijian; Guangdong; Hefei; Hong Kong; Hubei; Hunan; Japan; Kaohsiung; Keelung; Kinmen; Korea; London; Malaya; Manchuria; Mongolia; Moscow; Nanjing; Singapore; Soviet Union; Taichung; Tainan; Taipei; Taiwan; Tibet; United Kingdom; United States; Vietnam; Washington DC; Xiamen; Xi'an; Yili; Zhejiang
People C K Yen; Chang Chi-yun; Chen Cheng; Chen Yi; Chiang Ching-kuo; Chiang Kai-shek; Freitas, Geoffrey de; Hu Shih; Huang Chi-jui; Jiang Jingguo; Jiang Qing; Li Wan-chu; Liao, Thomas Dr; Lin Biao; Lloyd, Selwyn; Macmillan, Harold; Peng Teh-huai; Rankin, Karl L; Soong May-ling; Stump, Felix Budwell; Sun Yat-sen; Truman, Harry S; Yeh, George; Yu Ta-wei; Zhou Enlai
Topics banks; blockade; business; celebrations; Chinese Communist Party; Chinese Nationalists; coal; communications; communism; conference; consulate; cult of personality; customs; defence; economic growth; economy; education; embassy; Guomindang; Health; Housing; imperialist; industry; investment; judicial system; labour; land reform; Minister of Education; Minister of Foreign Affairs; Minister of Justice; National People's Congress; oil; Party Congress; poverty; press; production; propaganda; recognition; Secretary of State; shipping; sugar; tea; trade; United Nations; women
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