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Reference FO 371/150446
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Economy, July - October 1960 (Folder 4)
Date 1960
Collection Foreign Office Files for China, 1957-1966
Region East Asia
Countries China
Places Beidaihe; Beijing; Czechoslovakia; East Asia; Guangzhou; Hefei; Henan; Hong Kong; Japan; Jilin; Lanzhou; Liaoning; London; Lushan; Moscow; Mukden; Qinghai; Shaanxi; Shandong; Shanghai; Shenyang; Singapore; Soviet Union; Tianjin; Tibet; United Kingdom; United States; Urumchi; Washington DC; Wuhan; Xi'an; Xinjiang; Zhengzhou
People Castro, Fidel; Chen Yi; Ch'en Yun; Choekyi Gyaltsen; Li Fu-chun; Mao Zedong; Stewart, Michael; Wu Hsiu-chuan
Topics agrarian reform; agriculture; Chinese Communist Party; coal; commune; communications; communism; Communist Party; Communist Party of the Soviet Union; conference; consulate; counter-revolutionary; culture; defence; economy; education; embassy; famine; First Five Year Plan; fish; Five Year Plan; flooding; Great Leap Forward; Health; imperialist; industry; intelligence; investment; iron; labour; Minister of Agriculture; minorities; National People's Congress; Party Congress; peasants; People's Daily; People's Republic of China; petroleum; poverty; press; production; propaganda; Red Flag; revolution; Second Five Year Plan; Sino-Soviet relations; socialism; steel; technology; textiles; trade; water
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