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Reference FO 371/167503
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title South Africa: Anglo-US Policy on South Africa
Date 1963
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1966
Region Africa, Europe, North America
Countries South Africa; United Kingdom; United States
Places Australia; Austria; Belgium; Botswana; Brazil; Canada; Cape Town; Chad; Durban; France; Ghana; Greece; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Lesotho; Liberia; London; Mozambique; Namibia; Natal; New York; New Zealand; Nigeria; Portugal; Pretoria; Rivonia; Senegal; South Africa; Transkei; United Kingdom; United States of America; Washington; Windhoek
People Acland, A A; Broadley, J K E; Campbell, Archie; Campbell, Waldo; Dean, Sir Patrick; Douglas-Home, Sir Alec, Baron Home; Elizabeth II, Queen; Foster, Peter M; Gardner Dunn, A; Gordon, Donald; Kennedy, John F; Killick, John E; McDonald Gordon, D; Millard, G E; Morrison, John, Lord Dunrossil; Stephenson, Sir Hugh
Topics Act of Parliament; Africans; Afrikaans; aid; apartheid; arms and ammunition; assassination; aviation; Bantu; border; British Consulate; business; Christianity; Colonial Office; colony; Commonwealth; communications; Communism; court; death; education; election; embassy; employment; equality; execution; finance and investment; Foreign Office; gold; independence; Indians; internal affairs; labour; legislation; liberalism; metals; military; National Party; nuclear energy; oil; politics; port; Portuguese; press; protest; race; revolution; Rivonia; security; self-government; trade; training; Treasury; trial; United Nations; United Party; war; water
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