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Reference FO 371/182140
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title South Africa: Religious Affairs, Including Christian Institute of Southern Africa
Date 1965
Collection Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1966
Region Africa
Countries South Africa
Places Cape Town; Durban; Geneva; Germany; Hague; Johannesburg; London; Namibia; Natal; Netherlands; New York; Oxford; Port Elizabeth; Pretoria; South Africa; Swaziland; Sweden; Switzerland; Transvaal; United Kingdom; United States of America; Vereeniging; Washington; Zululand
People Edden, A J; Edwards, Marcus; Gordon, Donald; Gordon-Walker, Patrick; Hastings, Stephen; Le Quesne, C M; Marais, Ben J; Maud, Sir John; McDonald Gordon, D; Naude, Reverend Beyers; Oppenheimer, Harry; Snodgrass, J M O; Treurnicht, Andries; Walker, Hugh; Wilson, John
Topics Act of Parliament; African National Congress; Africans; Afrikaans; aid; Anglican Church; apartheid; arms and ammunition; Army; Bantu; border; British Consulate; Broederbond; business; children; Christianity; communications; Communism; constitution; court; customs; defence; democracy; Dutch Reformed Church; education; election; embassy; emergency; employment; entertainment; family; finance and investment; food; Foreign Office; health; housing; industry; insurance; labour; legislation; liberalism; marriage; metals; military; nationalism; oil; Oxfam; Pan Africanist Congress; passes; police; politics; port; press; protest; race; radio; refugee; religion; revolution; security; students; tourism; training; tribe; United Party; violence; wages; welfare; women; Zulu
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