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Reference FO 371/20990
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title China: Chinese customs administration; Chinese maritime customs and Japanese attitude; expropriation of Chinese property in Kowloon; evacuation of part of Kowloon
Date 1937
Collection Foreign Office Files for China, 1930-1937
Region East Asia
Countries China, Japan
Places Beijing; Chongqing; France; Guandong; Guangdong; Guangxi; Guangzhou; Hankou; Hefei; Hong Kong; Huangpu River; Japan; Kowloon; Kwantung Leased Territory; London; Manchukuo; Nanjing; New Territories (Hong Kong); Shandong; Shanghai; Tianjin; Tokyo; United Kingdom; United States; Washington DC; Wuhan; Yangtze River; Yili; Zhenjiang
People Cadogan, Alexander; Chang Chun; Knatchbull-Hugessen, Hughe; Maze, Sir Frederick; Wang Jingwei; Zhang Qun
Topics banks; bonds; Boxer Indemnity; business; Chinese Maritime Customs; communications; communism; concession; conference; consulate; currency; customs; defence; embassy; evacuation; finances; financial aid; iron; judicial system; kidnapping; migration; Minister of Finance; Minister of Foreign Affairs; occupation; oil; People's Liberation Army; ports; press; radio; recognition; Royal Air Force; Secretary of State; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; steel; strikes; sugar; taxation; tea; telegraphs; trade; treaties; United Nations; war; water; women
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