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Reference FO 371/24703
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Air raids in China: safety of British Mission and Consulate in Chungking: bombing of Chungking: damage of British property: bombing of Yunnanfu: number of air raid casualties. North China Political Affairs Commission: Board of Councillors at Hankow. International Red Cross Committee. Burmese "Goodwill Mission". Infringements of British rights by Japanese in Shanghai. Tientsin: municipal budget for 1940: payment of wages of employees of Municipal Council. Communism in North China: White Russian activities in Tientsin. German claims in China. Transfer of Chinese Ministry of Finance from Hong Kong to Singapore. Relations between France and Nanking Government. British Municipal Council, Tientsin: annual general meeting. Position of Chinese Ambassador in London. Coal mining in China. German activities in Shameen. China Association (Tientsin Branch): annual general meeting. Inspectorate General of Chinese Maritime Customs. Chinese policy towards Axis Powers. Land tax in respect of British Concession at Tientsin. Medical supplies for China: sterling loan to China: reopening of Burma Road
Date 1940
Collection Foreign Office Files for China, 1938-1948
Countries China, United Kingdom, Burma, Japan, Soviet Union, Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore
Places Beidaihe; Beijing; Belgium; Burma; Canada; Chengdu; Chongqing; Denmark; East Asia; France; French Concession; Fuzhou; Germany; Guangzhou; Guizhou; Hankou; Hefei; Henan; Hong Kong; Hongkou; Huangpu River; Hubei; India; Iran; Italy; Japan; Jiangxi; Kowloon; Kunming; London; Malaya; Manchukuo; Manchuria; Mukden; Nanjing; Netherlands; Pukou; Qingdao; Rangoon; Shaanxi; Shamian Island; Shanghai; Shanxi; Shenyang; Sichuan; Singapore; Soviet Union; Tengyue; Thailand; Tianjin; Tokyo; Turkestan; United Kingdom; United States; Wuhan; Xinjiang; Yangtze River; Yunnan; Zhenjiang
People Aglen, Sir Francis; Cadogan, Alexander; Chen Cheng; Chiang Kai-shek; Kung, H. H.; Maze, Sir Frederick; Qiao Shi; Soong May-ling; Su Yu; Tsai Chang
Topics air raid; aircraft; Anglo-Japanese relations; anti-foreign feeling; Asiatic Petroleum Company; banks; blockade; bombing; bonds; British firms; Burma Road; business; Catholicism; censorship; cession (of territory); chamber of commerce; China Association; China Inland Mission; Chinese Maritime Customs; civil war; coal; communications; communism; concession; conference; confiscation; consulate; culture; currency; customs; debt; defence; economy; education; elections; electricity; embargo; embassy; evacuation; exports; famine; finances; financial aid; flooding; foreign exchange; Health; hospitals; industry; intelligence; iron; judicial system; labour; mining; Minister of Education; Minister of Finance; Minister of Foreign Affairs; missionaries; Mukden Incident; newspapers; occupation; oil; opium; Peking Syndicate; People's Liberation Army; piracy; police; ports; press; prisoners of war; production; propaganda; radio; railways; recognition; refugees; relief work; riots; Royal Air Force; salt; science; Secretary of State; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; Shanghai Municipal Council; shipping; sterling; taxation; tea; telegraphs; tobacco; trade; treaties; United Nations; war; water; weapons; women
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