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Reference FO 371/63322
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Situation in China: visit of General Marshall: abandonment of United States mediation in Communist-Kuomintang negotiations (Folder 6)
Date 1947
Collection Foreign Office Files for China, 1938-1948
Countries China, United States
Places Andong; Australia; Beijing; Belgium; Burma; Canada; Chongqing; East Asia; France; Germany; Hankou; Hefei; Henan; Hong Kong; Huangpu; Hunan; India; Japan; Jiangsu; Jilin; Jinan; Korea; Kowloon; Kunming; London; Manchuria; Moscow; Mukden; Nanjing; Netherlands; Paracel Islands; Qingdao; Shaanxi; Shandong; Shanghai; Shanxi; Shenyang; Sichuan; Soviet Union; Taiwan; Thailand; Tianjin; Tokyo; United Kingdom; United States; Washington DC; Wuhan; Xi'an; Yan'an; Yunnan; Zhejiang
People Bai Chongxi; Chang Chun; Chen Cheng; Chen Yi; Chiang Kai-shek; Hu Shih; Ku Cheng-kang; Lattimore, Owen; Li Hsien-nien; Li Zongren; Lo Lung-chi; Macmillan, Harold; Mao Zedong; Molotov, Vyacheslav; Owen, David; Song Ziwen (Soong Tse-ven, or T. V. Soong); Soong May-ling; Stalin, Joseph; Stevenson, Sir Ralph Clarmont Skrine; Sun Fo; Sun Yat-sen; Truman, Harry S; Wang Shih-chieh; Yan Xishan; Zhang Qun; Zhou Enlai
Topics agriculture; aircraft; banks; boycotts; business; Chinese Communist Party; Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang); Christianity; civil war; coal; communications; communism; Communist Party; conference; confiscation; consulate; cotton; counter-revolutionary; culture; defence; drugs; economic reform; economy; education; elections; embassy; evacuation; exports; finances; financial aid; hospitals; imperialist; industry; inflation; intelligence; iron; Islam; judicial system; labour; land reform; lend-lease; mediation; military aid; mining; Minister of Foreign Affairs; minorities; missionaries; murder; navigation; newspapers; occupation; Open Door policy; opium; peace conference; peasants; People's Liberation Army; police; ports; press; prisoners of war; production; propaganda; radio; railways; rebellions; reparations; revolution; riots; Royal Air Force; Secretary of State; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; sterling; strikes; taxation; tea; trade; treaties; United Nations; United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA); US Navy; war; water; weapons
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