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FO 371/69729
Foreign Office
Death of Mahatma Gandhi on 30 January 1948 and Mohammed Ali Jinnah on 12 September 1948. Hyderabad dispute with India. Arms for Hyderabad and for Pakistan. Future of Bhutan, February 1948 (Folder 1)
Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1947-1964
South Asia
India, Pakistan, Bhutan
Afghanistan; Balochistan; Bengal; Bihar; Burma (Myanmar); Chennai (Madras); China; Delhi; East Bengal; East Pakistan; East Punjab; France; Hyderabad; India; Iran; Jammu; Kabul; Karachi; Kashmir; Kolkata (Calcutta); London; Mumbai (Bombay); Nepal; New York; North-West Frontier Province; Pakistan; Punjab; Sindh; Washington, DC; West Bengal; West Punjab
Abdullah, Mohammed; Attlee, Clement; Bucher, Sir (Francis) Roy; Gandhi, Mohandas (Mahatma); Gordon Walker, Patrick, Baron Gordon-Walker; Ismay, Hastings, 1st Baron Ismay; Jinnah, Mohammad Ali; Khan, Liaquat Ali; Kripalani, Jivatram; Mountbatten, Louis, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma; Nehru, Jawaharlal ('Panditji'); Noel-Baker, Philip, Baron Noel-Baker; Shone, Sir Terence
(Royal) Indian Air Force; aircraft; army; assassination; banking; battle; British Government; British nationals; business; capitalism; caste; cemeteries, monuments and statues; Christianity; communalism; communications; communism; conquest; currency; education; exports; food; foreign policy; governor-general; Hinduism; independence; Indian Civil Service; Indian National Congress; Indo-Pakistani relations; international border; invasion; Islam; labour; language; loans; maharaja; migration; military; Muslim League; nationalism; oil; partition; peasantry; political agent; political parties; princely states; propaganda; Radcliffe Line (Indo-Pakistani border); railway; Raj; Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh; refugees; riots and disturbances; roads; Royal Air Force; satyagraha (non-violent resistance); socialism; steel; tariffs; trade; transport; United Nations; war
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