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Reference FO 403/277
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Construction of the Uganda Railway Further Correspondence Part III
Date 1898
Collection Confidential Print: Africa
Region Africa
Countries Uganda
Places Egypt; France; Germany; Kenya; Lake Victoria; London; Mashonaland; Mozambique; Nairobi; Natal; Port Said; South Africa; Sudan; Uganda; United Kingdom; United States; Zanzibar
People Balfour, Arthur, 1st Earl of Balfour; Devonshire, 9th Duke of (Victor Cavendish); Salisbury, 3rd Marquess of (Robert Gascoyne-Cecil)
Topics administration; agriculture; alcohol; Asians; banking; boundary; British Government; business; chiefs; church; commodities; communications; concessions; copper; customs; debt; disease; drought; emigration; execution; famine; food; forts; hospitals; immigration; Imperial British East Africa Company; international border; judicial system; labour; language; medicine; migration; military; missionaries; navigation; oil; parliament; pipeline; plague; protectorate; railway; roads; rubber; ship; steel; tariffs; telegraph lines; trade; transport; war; women
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