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Reference FO 403/466
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Africa: Further Correspondence Parts X-XIII (From 1942-1946, this series also contains correspondence relating to Abyssinia, Egypt, the Soudan, Morocco and Suez Canal)
Date 1942
Collection Confidential Print: Africa
Region Africa
Countries Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Morocco
Places Addis Ababa; Agadir; Alexandria; Algeria; Algiers; Angola; Atlas Mountains; Belgium; Berlin; Brazzaville; Cairo; Cameroon; Casablanca; Chad; Congo, Democratic Republic of (Belgian Congo); Cyrenaica; Dakar; Djibouti (French Somaliland); Egypt; Ethiopia (Abyssinia); France; French Equatorial Africa; French West Africa; Gabon; Germany; Italy; Ivory Coast; Kenya; Kinshasa (Leopoldville); Liberia; Libya; Lisbon; London; Madagascar; Malawi (Nyasaland); Mali; Maputo (Lourenco Marques); Monrovia; Morocco; Mozambique; Nairobi; Nigeria; Omdurman; Oran; Paris; Port Said; Portugal; Rhodesia; River Nile; Sierra Leone; Somalia; South Africa; Spain; Sudan; Tangier; Tripoli; Tunisia; United Kingdom; United States; Washington, DC; Western Sahara; Zambia (Northern Rhodesia); Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia)
People Churchill, Sir Winston; Eden, Sir Anthony, 1st Earl of Avon; Gandhi, Mohandas (Mahatma); Gaulle, Charles de; Halifax, 1st Earl (Edward Wood); Hoare, Sir Samuel, Bt, 1st Viscount Templewood; Huggins, Godfrey, 1st Viscount Malvern; Menelik II; Mitchell, Sir Philip; Smuts, Jan
Topics administration; agriculture; air force; aircraft; army; banking; battle; bonds; boundary; British Empire; British Government; business; canal; Catholicism; chiefs; Christianity; church; civil war; coffee; commodities; communications; concessions; conquest; constitution; consular representation; coup d'état; currency; customs; debt; democracy; diplomatic representation; disease; education; elections; empire; evacuation; execution; exports; famine; fishing; food; foreign policy; forts; gold; governor; governor-general; grazing; hospitals; immigration; independence; industry; international border; invasion; investment; Islam; Judaism; judicial system; kings; labour; language; League of Nations mandate; Mahdi Revolt; massacre; medicine; migration; military; mining; missionaries; nationalism; navy; oil; parliament; peasantry; plantation; political parties; propaganda; protectorate; Protestantism; railway; refugees; republic; revolt; riots and disturbances; roads; rubber; schools; ship; siege; slavery; sleeping sickness; steel; Suez Canal; tariffs; telegraph lines; trade; transport; treaty; tribes; United Nations; universities; war; weapons; women
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