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Reference FO 420/241
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Affairs of Venezuela Further Correspondence (Folder 18)
Date 1906 Jan.-June
Collection Confidential Print: Latin America
Region South America
Countries Venezuela
Places Bogota; Brazil; Caracas; Cayenne; Colombia; Dominican Republic; France; Georgetown; Germany; Haiti; Lima; London; Netherlands; Orinoco River; Panama; Paramaribo; Paris; Puerto Rico; Santo Domingo; Spain; Suriname (Dutch Guiana); United Kingdom; United States; Venezuela
People Castro, Fidel; Crespo, Joaquin; Elgin, 9th Earl of (Victor Bruce); Gomez, Juan Vicente; Grey, Sir Edward, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon; Guzman Blanco, Antonio; Lansdowne, 5th Marquess of (Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice)
Topics administration; army; banking; boundary; British Government; business; cocoa; communications; concessions; customs; debt; diplomacy; diplomatic representation; execution; governor; independence; justice; navigation; oil; railway; republic; revolution; riots and disturbances; rubber; ships; tariffs; telegraph lines; trade; transport; treaty; war
Copyright Crown Copyright documents © are reproduced by permission of The National Archives London, UK
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