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Reference FO 262/1982
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Far East: "Open Door"
Date 1938
Collection Foreign Office files for Japan, 1931-1945; Foreign Office Files for China, 1930-1937
Region East Asia
Countries Japan
Places Australia; Canada; China; East Asia; India; Italy; Japan; London; Manchukuo; Manchuria; Qingdao; Shanghai; Tokyo; United Kingdom; United States
People Craigie, Robert
Topics aid; ambassador; army; British Empire; communications; conference; currency; customs; defence; economic growth; economic sanctions; economy; embassy; exports; Imperial Rule Assistance Association; investment; iron; Japanese Government; Japanese yen; League of Nations; media; military; Minister of Foreign Affairs; navigation; navy; Open Door policy; population; press; Prime Minister; production; sanctions; shipping; telegraphs; trade; treaties; uniform; war
Copyright Crown Copyright documents © are reproduced by permission of The National Archives London, UK
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