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Reference PREM 11/4368
Department/Office Prime Minister's Office
Title PREM 11/4368
Description Ministers, 1963. Vassall Scandal; Profumo Scandal, March - June 1963; Letters from Stephen Ward; material relating to Christine Keeler and Stephen Ward; Records of Macmillan's meetings with Harold Wilson. Security, Communism, Cuba, Spying, Espionage
Date 1963
Collection Macmillan Cabinet Papers, 1957-1963
Region Europe, Caribbean, Middle East
Countries United Kingdom
Places Berlin; Cuba; Cyprus; Denmark; France; Gibraltar; Indonesia; Ireland; Kuwait; London; Manchester; Nigeria; Paris; Scotland; Soviet Union; Stockholm; Sweden; United Kingdom; USA
People Brook, Norman; Caccia, Harold; Carrington, Peter, Lord; Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer; de Gaulle, Charles; Hobson, John; Ivanov, Captain; Keeler, Christine; Macmillan, Harold; Profumo, John; Redmayne, Martin; Sukarno, Achmed; Vassall, John; Ward, Stephen; Wilson, Harold
Topics AERE; ANC; Arms; Army; Budget; Building; CAF; Central Office of Information (COI); Committee; Commonwealth; Communism; Conservative Party; Constitution; Crime; Defence; Deportation; Economic Policy; Economy; Elections; FCI; Field; FLN; Labour Party; Oil; Parliament; Press; PRO; Rationing; Rent; Resignation; Security; Sports; Spying; Teachers; Television; UN; Welfare
Copyright Crown Copyright documents © are reproduced by permission of The National Archives London, UK
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