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FO 371/177151
Foreign Office
South Africa: Race Relations: Legislation Concerning Bantustanis; the Bantu Laws Amendment Act 1964; the African Population in Natal; the Coloured Persons Representative Council Established in South Africa Despite Opposition to this New Bill. Despatch by Sir Hugh Stephenson, British Ambassador in South Africa, on 'The Possible Future Course of Events in South Africa'. Leaflet Entitled 'We Shall Win Freedom' Stating that "Africa in on the March to Freedom", November 1964. (Folder 2)
Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1966
South Africa
Algeria; Botswana; Cape Town; China; Durban; Germany; Hungary; Iraq; Johannesburg; Jordan; Lebanon; Lesotho; Libya; London; Mafeking; Malaysia; Maseru; Mbabane; Morocco; Moscow; Namibia; Natal; New York; Norway; Orange Free State; Pondoland; Port Elizabeth; Pretoria; Russia; Salisbury; Sharpeville; South Africa; Spain; Sudan; Switzerland; Syria; Transkei; Transvaal; United Kingdom; United States of America; Washington; Windhoek; Zimbabwe; Zululand; Zwartkop
Botha, Pieter Willem; Campbell, Archie; de Villiers Graaff, Sir; Foot, Hugh, Baron Caradon; Gordon, Donald; Harrison, Sir Geoffrey; Isherwood, J; Killick, John E; Luthuli, Albert John; Mandela, Nelson; Matanzima, Chief Kaiser; Maud, Sir John; McDonald Gordon, D; Snodgrass, J M O; Stephenson, Sir Hugh; Wilson, Harold, Baron Wilson of Rievaulx; Wilson, John
Act of Parliament; Africans; Afrikaans; agriculture; aid; animals; annexation; apartheid; arms and ammunition; arms embargo; arrest; Bantu; border; British Consulate; business; children; Chinese; Colonial Office; colony; Commonwealth; communications; Communism; constitution; contract; court; crime; death; defence; democracy; diplomacy; education; election; embassy; emergency; employment; equality; execution; family; finance and investment; food; Foreign Office; gold; health; housing; Human Rights; immigration; independence; Indians; industry; insurance; labour; legislation; liberalism; licensing; marriage; metals; military; mining; National Party; nationalism; Nazis; oil; passes; pension; police; politics; port; Portuguese; press; propaganda; property; Protectorate; public service; race; railway; religion; repatriation; revolution; sabotage; sanction; security; Sharpeville; students; sugar; tourism; township; trade; training; Treasury; trial; tribe; Umkhonto we Sizwe; United Nations; United Party; violence; wages; war; water; welfare; women; Xhosa; Zulu
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