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FO 371/177095
Foreign Office
South Africa: Supply of Arms to South Africa (Folder 3). Note on Total Financial Value of UK Arms Exports to South Africa for 1962, 1963 and up to 20 October 1964. Policy of the New Labour Government and Directive from the Prime Minister. PM Statement of 17 November 1964. Criticism in South African Press. Speech by Dr Verwoerd, 14 November 1964. Further Press Comment. Issue of Outstanding Contracts. Buccaneer Aircraft Contract to be Reviewed. Papers for October-November 1964
Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1966
Africa, Europe
South Africa; United Kingdom
Accra; Addis Ababa; Algiers; Ankara; Bamako; Bangkok; Beirut; Belgrade; Berne; Brazzaville; Buenos Aires; Cairo; Canberra; Cape Town; Colombo; Conakry; Copenhagen; Dakar; Dar-es-Salaam; Delhi; Dublin; Durban; Finland; France; Freetown; Germany; Ghana; Hague; Helsinki; Johannesburg; Kampala; Karachi; Kenya; Khartoum; Kingston; Kuala Lumpur; Lagos; Leopoldville; Lisbon; Lome; London; Lusaka; Madrid; Monrovia; Moscow; Nairobi; Namibia; Natal; New York; Nicosia; Nigeria; Oslo; Ottawa; Paris; Pietersburg; Port of Spain; Pretoria; Rabat; Reykjavik; Rome; Salisbury; Simonstown; Sofia; South Africa; Spain; Stockholm; Tananarive; Tanzania; Tokyo; Transvaal; Tripoli; Tunis; United Kingdom; United States of America; Vienna; Washington; Wellington; Yaounde; Yemen; Zimbabwe
Biermann, Rear-Admiral S S A; Broadley, J K E; Caccia, Sir Harold; Cornelius, S D; de Villiers Graaff, Sir; Dean, Sir Patrick; Douglas-Home, Sir Alec, Baron Home; Edwards, Marcus; Foot, Hugh, Baron Caradon; Harley, F; Harrison, Sir Geoffrey; Heath, Edward; Jackling, Roger; Le Quesne, C M; McDonald Gordon, D; Moreland, H C; Ormsby-Gore, William, Lord Harlech; Savigar, L A; Shaw, J D B; Stephenson, Sir Hugh; Walston, Lord Henry; Wilson, Harold, Baron Wilson of Rievaulx; Wilson, John
Act of Parliament; Admiralty; African National Congress; Africans; Afrikaans; Air Force; apartheid; arms and ammunition; arms embargo; Army; Asian; aviation; bombs and explosives; business; Colonial Office; Commonwealth; Commonwealth Relations Office; communications; contract; death; defence; education; election; embassy; emergency; execution; exports; foreign affairs; Foreign Office; House of Commons; Human Rights; imports; independence; industry; labour; legislation; licensing; military; National Party; NATO; Navy; oil; overflying; police; port; press; propaganda; property; race; radio; religion; sanction; security; sexual relations; shipping; sport; strike; trade; training; Treasury; trial; United Nations; United Party; wages; war
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