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FCO 45/1803
Foreign Office
South Africa: UK policy on Simonstown Agreement (1955 naval agreement between UK and South Africa granting UK use of Simonstown naval base in return for supply of naval equipment) – Part D, 102-172: termination of agreement and reactions of South Africa
Apartheid South Africa, 1967-1975
South Africa, United Kingdom
Accra; Algeria; Algiers; Angola; Ankara; Athens; Blantyre; Cairo; Canberra; Cape Town; China; Colombo; Costa Rica; Cyprus; Dakar; Damascus; Dar-es-Salaam; Delhi; Durban; France; Freetown; Gaborone; Greece; Guinea; Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon); Iran; Ireland; Italy; Johannesburg; Kampala; Kenya; Kingston; Lagos; Lisbon; Lome; London; Lusaka; Maseru; Mbabane; Morocco; Moscow; Nairobi; New York; Niger; Oslo; Ottawa; Oxford; Phnom Penh; Port Elizabeth; Portugal; Pretoria; Senegal; Simonstown; Singapore; Somalia; South Africa; Soviet Union; Spain; Sudan; Syria; Tanzania; Tehran; Thailand; The Hague; Togo; Uganda; United Kingdom; United States of America; Vienna; Walvis Bay; Warsaw; Washington; Yaoundé; Yemen
"Eglin, Colin"; Biermann, Rear-Admiral S S A; Botha, Pieter Willem; Bottomley, Sir James; Callaghan, James; Campbell, Archie; Fourie, Brand; Gordon, Donald; McDonald Gordon, D; Muller, Hilgard
admiralty; Africans; Afrikaans; aid; arms and ammunition; arms embargo; aviation; border; British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC); British consulate; business; Christianity; Commonwealth; communications; communism; death; defence; education; election; embassy; emergency; employment; equality; finance and investment; foreign affairs; Foreign Office; health; House of Commons; independence; labour; legislation; licensing; metals; military; mining; nationality; NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization); navy; nuclear energy; oil; Organisation of African Unity (OAU); passes; port; Portuguese; postal service; press; race; radio; railway; recruitment; religion; revolution; security; shipping; trade; training; treaty; undesirables; United Nations; United Party; war; water
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