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DO 119/1223
Dominions Office
South Africa: South African Police Activities within High Commission Territories
Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1966
South Africa
Angola; Blantyre; Bogota; Botswana; Bulawayo; Cairo; Cape Town; China; Dakar; Dar-es-Salaam; Durban; Ethiopia; Ghana; Grahamstown; Guinea; India; Johannesburg; Katanga; Kenya; Lagos; Lesotho; Liberia; Lisbon; London; Lusaka; Malawi; Malaysia; Maseru; Mbabane; Namibia; Natal; New York; Nigeria; Oslo; Oxford; Pietersburg; Poland; Pondoland; Port Elizabeth; Portugal; Pretoria; Russia; Salisbury; Senegal; Sharpeville; Sierra Leone; Somalia; Sophiatown; South Africa; Sri Lanka; Swaziland; Taiwan; Tanzania; Transkei; Transvaal; Tunis; Uganda; United Kingdom; United States of America; Vereeniging; Windhoek; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Zululand
Blaxall, Dr Arthur; Brockway, Fenner; Brown, Peter M; Brutus, Dennis; Cowen, D V; Ganyile, Anderson; Kennedy, John F; Matthews, Joe; Matthews, Zachariah Keodirelang; Maud, Sir John; Meyer, Dr Pieter Johannes; Moshoeshoe II; Nyerere, Julius; Resha, Robert; Segal, Ronald; Sobukwe, Robert; Tambo, Oliver Reginald; Thorpe, Jeremy; van der Ross, Dr Richard Ernest; Vigne, Randolph; Wall, Patrick; Zwane, Dr Ambrose
abduction; Act of Parliament; African National Congress; Africans; Afrikaans; agriculture; aid; animals; Anti-Apartheid Movement; apartheid; Army; arrest; arson; Asian; asylum; Bantu; bombs and explosives; border; business; children; Chinese; Christianity; citizenship; Colonial Office; colony; Commonwealth; Commonwealth Relations Office; communications; Communism; constitution; contract; court; crime; death; defence; democracy; discrimination; education; election; embassy; emergency; employment; equality; family; foreign affairs; Foreign Office; fugitives; health; House of Commons; Human Rights; immigration; independence; Indians; insurance; labour; legislation; liberalism; metals; military; mining; National Party; National Union of South African Students; nuclear energy; Pan Africanist Congress; passes; police; politics; Pondo; port; Portuguese; press; prisoner; property; Protectorate; protest; race; radio; refugee; religion; revolution; sanction; security; Sharpeville; South West Africa People's Organization; sport; students; Swaziland Progressive Party; township; trade; training; trial; tribe; United Nations; violence; wages; war; water; welfare; women
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