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Reference DO 133/38
Department/Office Dominions Office
Title Relations with Nepal, 1952-53 (Folder 7)
Date 1952-1953
Collection Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1947-1964
Region South Asia
Countries United Kingdom, Nepal
Places Beijing (Peking); Bihar; Ceylon; China; Colombo; Daman; Delhi; France; India; Karachi; Kathmandu; Kolkata (Calcutta); London; Mumbai (Bombay); Nepal; Pakistan; Paris; Thailand; Tibet; Yangon (Rangoon)
People Addison, Sir Christopher, 1st Viscount Addison; Attlee, Clement; Cariappa, Kodandera; Churchill, Sir Winston; Eden, Sir Anthony, 1st Earl of Avon; Eisenhower, Dwight; Mao Zedong; Narayan, Jayaprakash; Nehru, Jawaharlal ('Panditji'); Prasad, Rajendra; Tribhuhvan Bir Bikram Shah; Zhou Enlai
Topics agriculture; aircraft; army; assassination; banking; battle; British Government; British nationals; business; communications; communism; Communist Party of India; coup d'état; currency; democracy; education; elections; evacuation; five-year plan; food; foreign policy; governor-general; Hinduism; independence; Indian National Congress; Indo-Pakistani relations; international border; invasion; Islam; Judaism; labour; maharaja; military; nationalism; parliament; peasantry; political parties; Raj; Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh; revolt; riots and disturbances; roads; Royal Air Force; socialism; steel; trade; trade unions; transport; uprising; viceroy; Viceroy's Executive Council; war; women
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