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DO 133/73
Dominions Office
Kashmir: military situation; proposed reference by India to United Nations Organisation
Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1947-1964
South Asia
India, Pakistan
Afghanistan; Balochistan; Bengal; Bihar; Burma (Myanmar); Ceylon; Chennai (Madras); China; Delhi; East Punjab; Faisalabad (Lyallpur); Gujarat; Hyderabad; Imphal; India; Iran; Jammu; Kabul; Karachi; Kashmir; Kolkata (Calcutta); Ladakh; Lahore; London; Mumbai (Bombay); Muzaffarabad; New York; North-West Frontier Province; Pakistan; Paris; Peshawar; Punjab; Rajputana Agency; Rawalpindi; Sindh; Srinagar; Tibet; Uttar Pradesh (United Provinces); Washington, DC; West Bengal; West Punjab; Yangon (Rangoon)
Abdul Qayyum Khan; Abdullah, Mohammed; Attlee, Clement; Bajpai, Sir Girija Shankar; Bucher, Sir (Francis) Roy; Gandhi, Mohandas (Mahatma); Gordon Walker, Patrick, Baron Gordon-Walker; Hari Singh; Ismay, Hastings, 1st Baron Ismay; Jinnah, Mohammad Ali; Khan, Liaquat Ali; Lockhart, Sir Robert; Mountbatten, Louis, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma; Muhammad, Malik Ghulam; Nehru, Jawaharlal ('Panditji'); Noel-Baker, Philip, Baron Noel-Baker; Pandit, Vijaya; Shone, Sir Terence; Zahir Shah
(Royal) Indian Air Force; air force; aircraft; army; banking; battle; British Government; British nationals; business; caste; church; commodities; communications; communism; conquest; coup d'état; currency; customs; democracy; elections; electricity; evacuation; execution; exports; food; foreign policy; governor-general; Hinduism; independence; Indian National Congress; Indo-Pakistani relations; international border; invasion; Islam; judicial system; language; maharaja; massacre; migration; military; mining; Muslim League; nationalism; oil; partition; peasantry; political parties; princely states; propaganda; railway; Raj; refugees; revolt; riots and disturbances; roads; Royal Air Force; slavery; socialism; steel; trade; transport; United Nations; uprising; viceroy; war; weapons; women
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