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DO 35/6714
Dominions Office
South Africa: General Political Situation. Apartheid. African Bus Boycott. Black Sash Movement. Police Raids. Press Comment. The Women's Defence of the Constitution League. Native Policy and White Supremacy. General Election in South Africa, 1953
Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1966
South Africa
Accra; Antigua; Australia; Bloemfontein; Bonn; Botswana; Brazil; Brussels; Bucharest; Canada; Cape Town; China; Copenhagen; Delhi; Democratic Republic of Congo; Denmark; Dublin; Durban; France; Germany; Grahamstown; Havelock; India; Israel; Italy; Johannesburg; Karachi; Katanga; Kenya; Kimberley; Lesotho; Lobatsi; London; Mafeking; Malawi; Malaysia; Maritzburg; Maseru; Mexico; Moscow; Namibia; Natal; Netherlands; New Orleans; New York; New Zealand; Orange Free State; Pakistan; Port Elizabeth; Pretoria; Russia; Salisbury; Simonstown; Sophiatown; South Africa; Sri Lanka; Swaziland; Tanzania; Transvaal; Uganda; United Kingdom; United States of America; Usutu; Vryburg; Washington; Witwatersrand; Yemen; Zambia; Zimbabwe
Attlee, Clement, Lord Attlee; Belcher, R H; Campbell, Archie; Centlivres, Albert van der Sandt; Coetzee, Blaar; de Klerk, Jan; de Villiers Graaff, Sir; Delius, Anthony; Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert, 6th Marquess of Salisbury; Hepple, Alex; Le Rougetel, Sir John; Le Tocq, E G; Liesching, Percivale; Louw, Eric; Luthuli, Albert John; Malan, Daniel; Malan, Pieter Andries; Oppenheimer, Harry; Reeves, Bishop Ambrose; Scott, Michael; Smuts, General Jan Christiaan; Snelling, Sir Arthur; Sobhuza II; Strijdom, Johannes; Swart, Charles Robberts; Williams, Cecil
Act of Parliament; Admiralty; African National Congress; Africans; Afrikaans; agriculture; aid; Anglican Church; annexation; apartheid; arms and ammunition; arrest; arson; Asian; Bamangwato; Bantu; Black Sash Movement; border; British Empire; Broederbond; business; charity; children; Chinese; Christianity; citizenship; Colonial Office; colony; Commonwealth; Commonwealth Relations Office; communications; Communism; constitution; contract; court; crime; customs; death; defence; Defiance Campaign; democracy; deportation; diamonds; discrimination; Dutch Reformed Church; education; election; embassy; emergency; employment; entertainment; equality; extremism; family; finance and investment; food; Foreign Office; gold; health; housing; Human Rights; immigration; independence; Indians; industry; insurance; intelligence; internal affairs; labour; legislation; liberalism; metals; military; mining; National Party; nationalism; nationality; NATO; Navy; Nazis; Paarl; Pan Africanist Congress; passes; pilgrimage; police; politics; port; Portuguese; press; prisoner; propaganda; property; Protectorate; protest; public service; race; radio; railway; recruitment; religion; revolution; sabotage; sanction; security; shipping; sport; strike; students; suicide; terrorism; township; trade; training; Treasury; trial; tribe; United Democratic Front; United Nations; United Party; uranium; violence; wages; war; water; welfare; Witwatersrand; women; Xhosa; Zulu
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