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Reference FCO 7/1829
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Demonstrations throughout America about riots in Northern Ireland (1970)
Description UK band and military tours of the US. Demonstration by Irish groups at UK armed forces Tattoo in Boston, New York and Philadelphia. Problem of evicting Irish demonstrators from UK embassies in the US. Questionnaire for State polices forces if they are willing to take action against demonstrators.
Date 1970
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America, Europe
Countries United Kingdom, United States
Places Belgium; Britain; Canada; Denmark; Europe; France; Geneva; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Netherlands; Northern Ireland; Norway; Soviet Union; United Kingdom; United States of America
People Douglas-Home, Sir Alec; Elliott, Anthony; Freeman, John; Heath, Edward; Yost, Charles W.
Topics Aid; Armed services; Arms; British Embassy; Civil rights; Common Market; Congress; Council of Europe; Defence; Demonstrations; Department of Defense; Department of State; Draft; Economy; Environment; Home Office; Irish Republican Army (IRA); Ministry of Defence; North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Oil; organisation; Payments; Shipping; State Department; Taxation; Taxes; Trade; Trade policy; Treasury; troops; United Nations; United Nations General Assembly; Wages; Warsaw Pact; withdrawal
Copyright Crown Copyright documents © are reproduced by permission of The National Archives London, UK
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