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Reference FCO 82/269
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Internal political situation in the USA (Watergate) (1973)
Description Reports on the White House: staffing and relations with Congress, Dr Kissinger and his alleged involvement in wire-tapping, Senator Scott and Congressman Ford's production of figures designed to show that wire-tapping has been much more prevalent in previous administrations. Monthly report covering May 1973 from Honolulu on Watergate, local and national politics, economics, UK affairs and Micronesia. Report on White House Administration in which the President has begun pluggin some of the major holes left by the Watergate scandal. Changes including Melvin Laird, the former Secretary of Defence returned and assume the position of Director of the Domestic Council which was previously held by Ehrlichman. Nixon has also asked General Alexander Haig to retire from active service and become the General Manager and Overseer of White House business while Ron Ziegler, Press Secretary, has been promoted to be an Assistant to the President.
Date 1973
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America
Countries United States, United Kingdom, Micronesia
Places Alaska; Asia; Britain; Cambodia; Canada; China; Costa Rica; El Salvador; Europe; France; Germany; Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Japan; Jordan; Laos; Mediterranean; Mexico; Micronesia; Middle East; New Zealand; Northern Ireland; Russia; South East Asia; Soviet Union; Spain; United Kingdom; United States of America; Vietnam
People Anne, HRH Princess; Brennan, Peter J; Brezhnev, Leonid; Brinegar, Claude S; Burger, Warren Earl; Butz, Earl L; Connally, John B; Cromer, 3rd Earl of; Dean, John W III; Dent, Frederick B; Douglas-Home, Sir Alec; Ehrlichman, John D; Ellsberg, Daniel; Finch, Robert H; Garment, Leonard; Gray, L Patrick III; Greenhill, Sir Denis; Kennedy, Robert F; Kissinger, Henry; Kraft, Joseph; Laird, Melvin R; Nguyen Van Thieu; Nixon, Richard M; Overton, Hugh; Packard, David; Richardson, Elliot; Scott, Hugh; Shultz, George; Stein, Herbert; Symington, James; Weinberger, Caspar W
Topics Agriculture; Aid; Arab; Armed services; Arms; Balance of Payments; British Embassy; Census; CIA (Central Intelligence Agency); Civil rights; Common Market; Communist; Concorde; Congress; Congressional Relations; Council on Environmental Quality; Crime; Defence; Democratic Party; Demonstrations; Department of State; Detente; Draft; Economy; Education; Elections; Energy; Environment; Environmental Protection Agency; FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation); foreign policy; Great Powers; Gubernatorial; Health; Hijacking; Impeachment; Inflation; Japanese; Law and Order; Mid-Term elections; Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (MBFR); North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Office of Management and Budget; Oil; organisation; Payments; Pentagon; Pentagon Papers; Plumbers; Poverty; Protectionist; Race; Recession; Republican Party; Segregation; Shipping; State Department; State of the Union Message; Supreme Court; Tariffs; Taxation; Taxes; The Nine; Trade; Trade Bill; Treasury; troops; Unemployment; Vice President; Vietnam War; Wages; Watergate; Welfare; White House; wire-tapping; withdrawal
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