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Reference FCO 82/4
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Visits by Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster, Mr Geoffrey Rippon, to North America, 4-9 March (Folder 4) (1971)
Description Record of meetings with Jean-Luc Pepin (Canadian Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce) and with Clifford Hardin (US Secretary of Agriculture) and Maurice Stans (US Secretary of Commerce). Topics include British entry into EEC, trade, the economy, agricultural products, industrial commodities, tariffs, GATT, protectionism and preference schemes. Briefing notes for visit to Ottawa. Briefing papers for US visit on European Defense and Security, US agricultural exports and impact of enlarged EEC. Personality notes on US Government officials. The first half of the file relates to the March 1971 trip to Canada and the US. Also included in this file are various draft texts for Rippon's speech delivered in New Orleans in January 1972 on "The Effects of the Enlargement of the European Communities on the Anglo-American Relationship" and the text of his speech in Los Angeles in January 1972 again on the subject of British application for membership of the EEC. US/UK relations. Notes in preparation for Rippon's visit to United States and Jamaica, including California and Louisiana, in December 1971/January 1972.
Date 1971
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America
Countries United Kingdom, United States, Canada
Places Africa; Asia; Australia; Belgium; Britain; Cambodia; Canada; Caribbean; Chile; Denmark; Eastern Europe; Europe; France; Geneva; Germany; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Korea; Latin America; Mediterranean; Middle East; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Panama; Peru; South Africa; Soviet Union; United Kingdom; United States of America; Vietnam
People Colvin; Connally, John B; Cromer, 3rd Earl of; Eberle, William; Gilbert , Carl J; Hardin, Clifford; Hillenbrand, Martin J; Kennedy, David Matthew; Kissinger, Henry; McCracken, Paul; Richardson, Elliot; Rippon, Geoffrey; Rogers, William P; Samuels, Nathaniel; Shultz, George; Stans, Maurice; Trezise, Philip; Volcker, Paul; Walker, Charles
Topics Agriculture; Aid; Arms; Balance of Payments; Burden sharing; Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers; Coal; Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); Common Market; Communist; Concorde; Congress; Council of Economic Advisers; Council of Europe; Council on International Economic Policy; Dairy products; Defence; Democratic Party; Department of Commerce; Department of Defense; Department of State; Detente; Disarmament; Draft; Economic policy; Economy; Education; Elections; Energy; European Economic Community; European Free Trade Association; European integration; Exports; Federal Reserve; foreign policy; Free trade; Group of Ten; Health; Inflation; International Economic Affairs; International Economic Policy; International Monetary Fund; Irish Republican Army (IRA); Japanese; Kidnapping; Law and Order; Levies; Nixon Doctrine; North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Nuclear Weapons; Office of Management and Budget; Oil; organisation; Payments; Pollution; Poverty; Protectionism; Protectionist; Race; Special Representative of Trade Negotiations; State Department; Tariffs; Taxes; Textiles; Trade; Trade Bill; Trade policy; Treasury; Unemployment; United Nations National Security Council; Vice President; Warsaw Pact; Welfare; White House; withdrawal
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