Washington despatch on detente. US press comments on President Nixon's visit to Soviet Union which was described as worthwhile though the results were meagre. In the Strategic Arms field, President Nixon did not sacrifice American Security or neglect the need to avoid a new arms race. President Nixon's Summit talks in Moscow in which the Washington post was critical over the failure to reach agreement to limit the development of MIRVs, attributing this in part to the President's lack of authority, as a result of Watergate, to overrule the Pentagon. The New York Times comments on Nixon's relationship with Leonid Brezhnev. Included is the text of a press conference held by Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, in Moscow, as well as highlights from a press conference given by Defense Secretary James Schlesinger and the Director of the US Arms Control & Disarmament Agency, Fred C. Ikle. Kissinger gives a brief summary of the summit, the objective of it to prevent the nuclear arms race and the arms race in general from dominating international affairs and the agreements that have arisen from SALT.