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Reference FCO 82/434
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Political relations between USA and UK (1974)
Description US press putting UK in same economic league with Italy and Ireland implying that the UK has lost the leadership in Europe to Germany and France. The Prime Minister and Cabinet Members visits to the US to address this view. Secretary of State's meeting with the Parliamentary Labour Party to cover Africa, Cyprus and UK/US relations and dependence on US economic strength, including US willingness to make available to the UK money invested in the US by the oil producers; UK vulnerability to Arab oil sanctions, US largest market for UK exports, UK reliance on US participation in NATO in order to improve East/West relations, defence cooperation and Diego Garcia and the CIA in Chile and the contribution they made to the overthrow of the Chilean Government. review of the Gerald Ford Administration continuance of Nixon's Administration's policies, problems facing the UK and the US including energy and oil producers, trade negotiations and the Trade Bill. Meeting between Sir Peter Ramsbotham and Henry Kissinger in which they discussed UN debate on the Palestine issue and the Euro/Arab dialogue, Cyprus and Greece. Also included is a draft of the Queen's speech on the opening of Parliament.
Date 1974
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America, Europe
Countries Chile, Cyprus, Germany, Ireland, Italy, United States, United Kingdom, France, Greece
Places Abu Dhabi; Africa; Australia; Barbados; Britain; Canada; Chile; China; Cyprus; Diego Garcia; Egypt; Europe; France; Geneva; Germany; Greece; India; Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya; Mediterranean; Mexico; Middle East; Mideast; Northern Ireland; Pakistan; Rhodesia; Saudi Arabia; Soviet Union; Spain; Suez Canal; Syria; Turkey; United Kingdom; United States of America; Vietnam
People Albert, Carl; Brezhnev, Leonid; Cromer, 3rd Earl of; Irwin, John; Javits, Jacob K; Kissinger, Henry; Kosygin, Alexey; Laird, Melvin R; Maitland, Donald; Sadat, Muhammad Anwar Al; Scott, Hugh; Sisco, Joseph; Williams, Shirley
Topics Aid; Arab; Arms; Balance of Payments; Bank of England; British Embassy; CIA (Central Intelligence Agency); Conference on European Security (CES); Congress; Conservation; Defence; Department of State; Detente; Draft; East-West relations; Economy; Elections; Energy; European Economic Community; European integration; European Security; Exports; foreign policy; Great Powers; Inflation; Irish Republican Army (IRA); Japanese; Labour Party; North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Nuclear Weapons; Oil; organisation; Payments; Pentagon; Poverty; Shipping; State Department; Strikes; Tariffs; The Nine; Trade; Trade Bill; Treasury; troops; United Nations; United Nations National Security Council; Warsaw Pact; Watergate; White House; withdrawal; Year of Europe
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