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Reference FCO 82/438
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Visits of US Senators and Congressmen to UK (1974)
Description US Senators visiting the UK including Senators Henry Jackson and Edward Kennedy to discuss Amendment to the Trade Bill, the Soviet Union and emigration rights, the Middle East, Israel and Syria, the possibility of an oil embargo against the US for supporting Israel, Jackson's criticism of Kissinger and visit to China. Kennedy discussed the Russians and their stalling on SALT II, Soviet view on eliminating underground nuclear tests and the Indian nuclear test, the likely successor to Brezhnev and whether they would follow detente and the Soviet attitude to the energy and economic crises in the West. Record of a conversation between the Prime Minister and Senator Hubert Humphrey in which they discussed Israel, the domestic scene in the US, the reform of US tax laws and anti-trust legislation, the position of France on the Middle East, the prospects of the Trade Bill and the World Food Conference in Rome. Notes from a meeting held between the Secretary of State Eric Varley and Senator Henry Jackson and Senator Johnson in which was discussed North Sea oil, alternative energy sources such as coal and nuclear in Britain as well as US energy needs. Biographical details of Senator Hubert H Humphrey. Record of a conversation between the Prime Minister and Senator Jackson in which they discussed the release of Russian Jews, the US political scene and the badly battered Republicans, the current financial depression and business recession, energy concern and oil use, the possibility of China and Japan trading in oil and technology and an increase in US food production to use as a bargaining chip with the Russians. Included is a report on Anglo/US relations. Record of a conversation between the Prime Minister and Senator Lloyd M. Bentsen in which they discussed proposals to recycle oil revenues, the US elections and the economic situation and the EEC. Record of a conversation between the Prime Minister and Senator Edward Kennedy on recycling oil revenues, French President Giscard d'Estaing proposals for a Summit meeting in Paris, East/West negotiations, NATO, the ABM agreement, the MBFR negotiations and the CSCE talks. Included programme for Senator Tunney who is attending the department of Industry, Energy and Environment. Document of Senator Edward Kennedy proposal for a five-step plan for strategic arms control. Notes from a meeting held by the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Senator Walter Mondale in which they discussed commercial policy, the oil problem, further war in the Middle East and the Soviet Union and Detente.
Date 1974
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America, Europe
Countries United Kingdom, United States, Soviet Union, Japan, China, France
Places Africa; Alaska; Belgium; Britain; Canada; Caribbean; Chequers; China; Egypt; Europe; France; Geneva; Iran; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Mediterranean; Middle East; Northern Ireland; Norway; Persian Gulf; Soviet Union; Syria; United Kingdom; United States of America
People Anderson, John B; Bentsen, Lloyd D; Brezhnev, Leonid; d'Estaing, Valéry Marie René Georges Giscard; Hays, Wayne; Humphrey, Hubert; Jackson, Henry; Kennedy, Edward Moore; Maitland, Donald; Mansfield, Mike; Mondale, Walter (Fritz); Ramsbotham, Sir Peter; Sadat, Muhammad Anwar Al; Wilson, Harold
Topics Agriculture; Aid; Arab; Armed services; Arms; British Embassy; Coal; Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); Congress; Congressional Relations; Conservation; Defence; Democratic Party; Department of State; Detente; Draft; Economic policy; Economy; Education; Elections; Energy; Environment; Environmental Protection Agency; Exports; Federal Reserve; foreign policy; Home Office; Inflation; International Economic Relations; Japanese; Labour Party; Levies; Ministry of Defence; Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (MBFR); North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Nuclear Weapons; Oil; organisation; Race; Recession; Shipping; State Department; State of the Union Message; Trade; Trade Bill; Trade Reform Bill; Treasury; troops; Unemployment; Vice President; Watergate; White House; World Food Conference; Yom Kippur War
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