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Reference FCO 82/465
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Energy policy of USA (1974)
Description Despatch on Coal Strip mining and the President's veto of the bill to regulate open-cast coal-mining in the US. Despatch on Oil imports cargo reservation Bill which the President intends to veto as he believes that the Bill would have an adverse impact on the US economy and US foreign relations by creating serious inflationary pressures by increasing the cost of oil and raising the prices of all products and services which depend on oil. US energy security transportation Act which the Senate had agreed to the Bill which would encourage the US to build excess tanker capacity. Report from the Study group on the Security of Uranium supplies setup by the Secretary of State for Energy. Discussion on Oil and the World economy between Sir Peter Ramsbotham and Dr. Henry Kissinger. Despatch on the US Foreign Oil Contracts Bill which relate to contracts and other agreements involving the purchase or procurement of crude oil and refined petroleum products from petroleum exporting countries. Address included by the US Secretary of State, Henry A. Kissinger on the Energy Crisis. Summary of the US energy situation: the run-up to project independence.
Date 1974
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America
Countries United States
Places Abu Dhabi; Africa; Alaska; Algiers; Argentina; Australia; Bahamas; Belgium; Bolivia; Brazil; Britain; Canada; Caribbean; China; Colombia; Cyprus; Denmark; Ecuador; Egypt; Europe; France; Geneva; Germany; Greece; Haiti; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Kuwait; Libya; Mediterranean; Mexico; Middle East; Netherlands; Nigeria; Norway; Pakistan; Panama; Peru; Saudi Arabia; Soviet Union; Spain; Turkey; United Kingdom; United States of America; Venezuela; Vietnam; Yugoslavia
People Callaghan, James; d'Estaing, Valéry Marie René Georges Giscard; Ford, Gerald; Love, John A; Maitland, Donald; Meany, George; Morton, Rogers; Ramsbotham, Sir Peter; Train, Russell
Topics Agriculture; Aid; Arab; Arms; Atomic Energy Commission; Balance of Payments; Bank of England; British Embassy; Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers; Coal; Congress; Conservation; Council of Economic Advisers; Council on Environmental Quality; Defence; Department of Commerce; Department of State; Department of the Interior; Detente; Draft; East-West relations; Economy; Energy; Environment; Environmental Protection Agency; Exports; Federal Reserve; foreign policy; Great Powers; Group of Ten; Health; Inflation; International Monetary Fund; Japanese; Ministry of Defence; NASA; North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Nuclear Weapons; Office of Management and Budget; Oil; organisation; Payments; Pollution; Poverty; Price controls; Protectionism; Race; Recession; Refugees; Shipping; State Department; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties; Supreme Court; Taxes; The Nine; Trade; Trade Bill; Treasury; Unemployment; United Nations; United Nations General Assembly; United Nations National Security Council; Warsaw Pact; Watergate; White House; World Food Conference; Yom Kippur War
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