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Field name | Value |
Reference | FCO 82/476 |
Department/Office | Foreign Office |
Title | Visits of US Government officials to UK (1974) |
Description | US Visitor to the UK including Mayor Bradley of Los Angeles and Mayor Beame of New York. Senator Walter Mondale one of the four leading candidates for the Democratic nomination in 1976 is to visit London to discuss the international economic situation following the rise in oil prices and trans-Atlantic relations as well as MBFR and CSCE. Visit of Mr Elliot Richardson to the UK. Record of a meeting between the Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary James Callaghan and Mr Helmut Sonnenfeldt in which they discussed the community and consultation of the Nine. Meeting between the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Sonnenfeldt. Meeting on international cooperation in energy and R and D. Record of conversation between Mr and Mr A Hartman US assistant Secretary for European affairs on Europe/US relations, the US/Nine declaration, the European/Arab dialogue, energy and commodities. |
Date | 1974 |
Collection | The Nixon Years, 1969-1974 |
Region | Europe |
Countries | United Kingdom, United States |
Places | Abu Dhabi; Africa; Algiers; Britain; Diego Garcia; Europe; France; Germany; Iran; Israel; Japan; Kuwait; Middle East; Netherlands; Pakistan; Rhodesia; South Africa; Southern Africa; Soviet Union; Sudan; Turkey; United Kingdom; United States of America |
People | Brimelow, Thomas; Callaghan, James; Drower, Bill; Ennals, David; Mondale, Walter (Fritz); Ramsbotham, Sir Peter; Richardson, Elliot; Sadat, Muhammad Anwar Al; Sonnenfeldt, Helmut |
Topics | Agriculture; Aid; Arab; Arms; British Embassy; Concorde; Congress; Conservation; Defence; Democratic Party; Department of State; Detente; Disarmament; Draft; East-West relations; Economy; Education; Elections; Energy; Environment; foreign policy; Health; Impeachment; Inflation; International Economic Relations; Japanese; Mid-Term elections; Ministry of Defence; Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (MBFR); North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Oil; Pollution; Price controls; Protectionism; State Department; State of the Union Message; The Nine; Trade; Trade Bill; Treasury; troops; United Nations; United Nations National Security Council; Vice President; Wages; Watergate; Welfare; Year of Europe |
Copyright | Crown Copyright documents © are reproduced by permission of The National Archives London, UK |