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Reference FCO 82/545
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title The 94th Congress of the United States (1975)
Description On the domestic front, the agenda for the 94th Congress will probably include attempts to override President Ford's vetoes of the Oil price control extension bill and the $7.9 billion education bill. Another important item on the agenda will be tax reform legislation. On foreign affairs there will be further attempts to reverse the Turkish arms embargo and secure congressional approval for the sale of Hawk missiles to Jordan. The Sinai agreement will also come before Congress if Dr Kissinger's current mission succeeds. Congress will have to take another look at the military procurement authorisation bill, the conference report on which was unexpectedly rejected by the Senate on its last day of July. The 94th Congress was described as having a veto proof Democratic majority effective in Congress by cutting off funds for Vietnam and Cambodia and imposing the Turkish arms embargo. Summary record of meeting between HM minister and Senator Hugh Scott, Minority Leader in which Scott discussed President Ford, Korea, Defence, the Soviet Union and the Panama Treaty. Calls on other members of Congress to cover military aid for Turkey, the Middle East, Defence and Britain and the EEC. Edward Kennedy. Sir Peter Ramsbotham, British Ambassador in Washington DC.
Date 1975
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America
Countries Cambodia, Panama, Turkey, Vietnam, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, United States
Places Asia; Britain; Cambodia; China; Cuba; Cyprus; Diego Garcia; Europe; Geneva; Greece; Iran; Ireland; Israel; Korea; Latin America; Middle East; Northern Ireland; Panama; Persian Gulf; Poland; Romania; South East Asia; South Vietnam; Soviet Union; Turkey; United Kingdom; United States of America; Vietnam
People Albert, Carl; Bentsen, Lloyd D; Brezhnev, Leonid; Callaghan, James; Ford, Gerald; Gray, L Patrick III; Hays, Wayne; Johnson, Lyndon Baines; Kennedy, Edward Moore; Kissinger, Henry; Mansfield, Mike; Meany, George; Mills, Wilbur; Nixon, Richard M; Ramsbotham, Sir Peter; Russell, Mark; Scott, Hugh
Topics Agriculture; Aid; Armed services; Arms; Balance of Payments; Bank of England; British Embassy; CIA (Central Intelligence Agency); Civil rights; Concorde; Congress; Congressional Relations; Conservation; Defence; Democratic Party; Department of State; Detente; Draft; Economic policy; Economy; Education; Elections; Energy; FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation); Federal Reserve; foreign policy; Health; Inflation; International Economic Affairs; Mid-Term elections; North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Nuclear Weapons; Oil; organisation; Payments; Protectionist; Race; Recession; Republican Party; Special Representative of Trade Negotiations; State Department; Taxes; Trade; Trade Bill; Treasury; troops; Unemployment; Urban Affairs; Vice President; Vietnam War; Watergate; Welfare; White House; withdrawal
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