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Reference FCO 37/2303
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Internal economic situation in Sri Lanka
Date 1980
Collection Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1972-1980
Region South Asia
Countries Sri Lanka
Places Bangladesh; Burma (Myanmar); Ceylon; China; Colombo; Diu; France; India; Jaffna; Kandy; London; Pakistan; Paris; Uttar Pradesh (United Provinces); Washington, DC
People Abdul Majeed Didi; Bandaranaike, Sirimavo; Dahanayake, Wijeyananda; Goonetilleke, Sir Oliver; Jayewardene, Junius Richard; Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev
Topics agriculture; aircraft; banking; battle; bonds; British Government; business; commodities; currency; democracy; education; elections; electricity; exports; food; independence; Indo-Pakistani relations; industrial development; investment; judicial system; labour; land reform; loans; oil; parliament; railway; Raj; Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh; roads; Royal Air Force; socialism; steel; tariffs; tourism; trade; transport; war
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